
In the vast majority of cases, men have reduced sensation (or feel that they do), but their dicks still work just fine. Those that have real problems as far as pain, lack of sensation, and dry skin are mostly those that suffered complications with the procedure.

This I absolutely agree with. I think when talking about FGM and people bring up circumcision, it’s more then acceptable to say “we’re talking about this right now.” But when people respond by insisting circumcision has no possible negative effects and has no parallels at all it comes across as disingenuous. I

But why does every discussion about this important issue impacting girls become one about men?

They are not the same in any capacity. FGM is far deadlier and is specifically used to punish women, control sexuality, and inflict pain. Have whatever opinions you want about male circumcision but to equate the two is intellectually dishonest and reeks of misogyny. 

FGM isn’t comparable to circumcision, it’s comparable to having your dick cut of.

Wow. Male circumcision is akin to cutting off excess skin from a woman’s labia.

Circumcision wasn’t invented to turn men into semen receptacles incapable of feeling pleasure.

So according to your logic you should be able to use the N-word because some black rappers use the name “Migos”? The fuck?

I like to keep ‘em guessing! Also, my grandma’s mother may or may not have had an affair with a German dude like a hundred years ago, so this is my way of honoring their (illicit) relationship that may (or may not) have led to my being born (eventually). Also, lederhosen is just a funny word.

Wait, you can't possibly be Latino.  Your name doesn't follow the<RANDOMSPANISHWORD><NUMBER> convention.  German is the only possibility.

Dude, I’m a latino. Fuck off with yor “you don’t understand” bullshit. If Migos we called “Spics” you might have a point. But they aren’t, so you don’t. Please show me where (white) colonial masters came in, enslaved latinos, called them “migos” to dehumanize them, then continued calling that for decades (centuries?)

I’m the same age as you, but feel a lot less strongly about the 90s especially. I remember the 90s as this time where all the undergrounds just became exploited so shamelessly. PE gave way to PDiddy. Nirvana put bloated wank rockers out of business and then in less than half a decade, grunge” just became the kind of

Ha! My man is a half-woke Republican and decent human who is, of late, very perplexed as to why other dudes seem comfortable casually dropping the N-bomb into conversations. He always ends the conversation and walks away.

I agree with the sentiment, but Baby Boomers did nothing to deserve Jimi Hendrix.

But I’ll bet aaalllllllll the other Black dudes didn’t have a problem with it! And if it hadn’t been your house, food and liquor...half the Black dudes would have shouted you down for harshing the vibe while the other half would have looked at their shoes while mumbin,”It don’t bother me...”. More men need to access

So weird how a site with multiple writers would have multiple viewpoints on a single subject.

“Touched” her? Your word choice betrays your mindset. Eeeeew.

You are wrong about two out of the three murderers you mentioned. Also, you are not understanding the nuance of shooters having this tendency not meaning that violence towards women automatically means a mass shooting. I don’t know how many ways I can repeat that.

I didn’t say his violent tendencies towards women made him go on to become a mass shooter. I simply pointed out the fact that almost every one of these mass shooters has that history, though it is usually involving women they are in relationships with.

Yes, it is the best predictor of mass violence. The obsessive 2A people are the ones constantly screaming about how this is a mental health issue. So, then, if you aren’t going to get rid of these guns, how about we get rid of these fucking men? Remove men who abuse women from society, I don’t care where you put them.