Or even if you love acting, you could lay low for a few years and then “disappear” into off-broadway theater or indie films. Fame honestly seems like it sucks.
Or even if you love acting, you could lay low for a few years and then “disappear” into off-broadway theater or indie films. Fame honestly seems like it sucks.
I got a beautiful variation on the Flower of Aphrodite as a tramp stamp right before the shit hit the fan and I LOVE it. My only single regert is that I can’t gaze at it easily because, well, it is on my lower back.
I hope so. Some creature needs to rise up and challenge human fuckery.
YES. Seriously, how hard would it be? Instead of #notallberniesupporters and writing dissertations of poorly thought-out whataboutisms, try just saying “Yeah those guys are assholes. Sorry they were dicks to you. I just try to focus on his policies and ignore them...” or whatever.
I’m not sure if you are trying to parody yourself here.
It shouldn’t, but it does for a lot of people. You personally might be able to convince people on the fence here if you are tactful, but there are thousands more that have stepped in Bernie-cult shit on the internet and have been turned off by him permanently. I’ve already voted (for Warren on Super Tuesday) and if I…
Pretty much this. I hope I get to vote for her on Super Tuesday, but if Buttigieg or Bloomberg or Klobuchar are in striking range I will throw my support behind Bernie to give him as clear a win as possible. If it’s Biden, I’ll have to think about it. I might still vote for Warren.
Yes probably. But probably also closer to 99.9% of Americans commenting on this case.
But most Americans who are keeping up with cultural shifts in France probably do.
I think Americans are especially harsh on the French simply because France is harboring one of our most infamous offenders and has been for decades now. Helping Polanski evade justice seems like such a slight that we tend to hit back harder than we necessarily have a right to.
Did anyone else notice how Parnas’s lawyer was staring at Rachel? Holy shit if I were her I wouldn’t have been able to sleep for a week. I don’t know how she kept her cool. Semi-related, if I am ever in serious trouble, I want to hire that guy!
The Ukraine can have Alabama. Maybe they can figure out what to do with it.
Isn’t it a common thing for sociopaths to think everybody is secretly like them?
MTE. They really should stop pushing us. We’re still being more than reasonable.
That’s much more likely to happen if the policies being put forth be Warren DON’T happen. If they won’t play fair, the rules of the game will change and it won’t end well for them. And that is not a threat, just a statement of a historical truth.
I’m sure you didn’t do as much damage as you think. If you did, start looking at how you can help her get the therapy she needs. There are people on this very thread that seem to have healed pretty well.
I’m with you on the /s. It made things pretty clear. But we are in an age where nothing is too absurd to be reality.
Look, I’m on the fence about a lot of these ideas but for real the ONLY other people I’ve seen use ALL CAPS to discuss the ONLY politician who GETS IT are Bernie Bros and the Ron Paul cultists, so it isn’t a great method. (And step off, Bernie Bros...I like Bernie a lot, just not yall.) Also, you admit above that you…
Sometimes I think Taylor Swift is trying to Single-White-Female Jenny Lewis.
Why are parents even involved at the college level??? They are adults! (Unless it is a student with a certain level of special needs, then I get it...)