
This guy is what happens when people leave teens with nothing to freak out grownups with. Drugs, tattoos, dozens of genres of good music, all of it is controlled by the olds. So now kids have to be like LOOK AT ME I’M WORSHIPING A LITERAL PEDO WHO LOOKS LIKE A PSYCHOPATHIC MUPPET ON PPC.

The PST? You’re lumping the SPT in with those splitters?

Both of them would have been prettier with natural brows.

Ugh not this shit again.

Honestly I hope you are right, because it is the least dangerous possibility for the country.

Yeah she totally could have Olenna Tyrelled him. Oh well... 

Ooooohhhh source on the brooch thing??

I think the Rosenbergs got the chair. Nowadays it’s probably lethal injection.

You can disapprove of the monarchy, but being a dick to a 92 year old woman is never a good look.

Is it just wishful thinking on my part, or is Lizzy giving him a little side-eye in that top picture?

If this is true, it is really irresponsible of this journalist to present it in the way she has.

Look. Stanning for a guy with this rap sheet is nagl.

Cool. Your one example out of thousands and thousands totally proves me wrong.

OT, but I still can’t believe how many Bernie bros went to Johnson. Stein was a silly choice to make, but how lacking are you in basic integrity that you think to yourself “Welp, no student loan forgiveness for me. Fuck everyone I guess.” Actually, saying that it makes sense after all.

Yeah...and they all probably should have done that bit of research before publishing. But I guess it’s more fun to assume the worst possible reason and keep us all turning on each other. A bit sus, imo.

I mean third parties could show they are serious by working in local communities on school boards and city councils where they could actually do some good and build a base.

Not always:

There was a dog?

Errr don’t get complacent. Look at what is happening in southwest Wales with Withybush. The Tories are trying hard to cripple NHS to the point that they can privatize healthcare.

But but but a neoliberal? Isn’t that the dirtiest word to the under-thirty leftist crowd?