
So the whiny entitled MRA spirit is infecting the migrant communities too? A few levels of irony there...

That ghoster may have actually died. That is drastic, even by jerk standards.

It’s all a ploy for $$$$$ by the dino waxing industry.

Yeah my copy is in the closet, waiting to go to HPB.

Just out of curiosity, when you wrote this, did you think Hillary was a shoe-in?

The twins were total assholes. The infant seemed cool enough.

46...but still, there’s some LHP shit going on with that...

I only really know him from Talking Dead, so I’ve been confused by all the people saying there is something “off” about him. Maybe he was enough in awe of the guests that he kept it under control? Now I’m kind of curious about how he acted in other things. Too skeezed out to actually search it up and listen though. (I

Yay Houston! Boo Austin.

For me it started in sixth grade when we watched the version of Treasure Island with Bale as Jim Hawkins. Then there was Newsies and Swing Kids and Little Women.

Me too. Also, I’m blonde, so I’ve never been into blonde men. It’s a thing. IDK.

Yeah. Clooney obviously did well for himself with his partner, but you can seefrom his interviews he has passable intelligence and will probably be able to keep up with his wife in a lot of areas. Pitt? Well, bless his heart.

IDK. That is a picture of Pitt in his prime. It’s been a while since he looked like that... and if he still looked like that she may have chosen differently.

If the barefoot arch is naturally higher, wouldn’t that mean a higher arch goes better with a flatter shoe?

Am I the only one having flashbacks to the LiveJournal mommywars of 2006?

Do these people even know what peer-review is? Like, they probably think it means their peers like their posts or something.



Which one is a “crisis actor”? Cause the girl with the coffin-shaped nails is as Houston-suburban as you can get.