
That quote reminded me just how much I liked old Rosanne. :(

Yeah and I may or may not know for a fact that many members have always let their kids borrow them to watch with their friends at residential colleges.

One of my most widespread annoyances in movies and TV shows are that people wear shoes in the house. (Double annoyed when people wear heels in the house. Who does that??!?)

I’m more curious about her inner thighs.

Was the smokey-eye comment all there was wrt her “looks”? Because it sounded like a compliment to me. Smokey-eye is hard to perfect.

Shia seems to have some legit bullshit in his background to excuse his nonsense. Plus he’s a decade and a half younger. And probably not a creep like Leto the Pedo is.

Lmao. Also, a lot of “chemical” attraction is subconscious. If you’re drowning out your natural SUBTLE scent with BO or gallons Axe (or both *bleh*), you are probably repelling at least a few people who would be drawn to you.

Looks-wise, he could have rocked a sensitive artist vibe and done just fine at my college. But that would have required the self-discipline to develop a talent... It’s much easier to whine about how nobody likes you I guess.

OMFG point F for the win!

You are as deluded as him.

Yep. They are both butthurt because Obama didn’t like them. I’ll bet they’ve been bonding over that for years. To be fair, Obama seems like he’s pretty chill with everyone, so when someone like him thinks you are an asshole it’s gotta sting.

Someone never learned how to be a good vassal.

Seriously. Wouldn’t a full-sized candy bar achieve the same effect in a more pleasant way?

Okay fair. But how do you feel about Russian intervention? Iranian and Turkish intervention? I totally buy anti-imperialist arguments. But will you extend that to whoever fills the vacuum the US leaves?

Yeah. I’m starting to suspect we got VERY lucky with this particular action. (Has there been any number of civilian casualties from a legitimate source?) Whoever he listened to last seemed to mitigate a lot of potential harm. Still, he has got to go. Who knows who will have his ear next time he decides to bomb someone.

You don’t trust Syrians to tell you what has been happening in their own country?

Do you have an actual counterpoint? Or are you just being a jerk for the hell of it?

Got any proof of your claims? Or are you just happy to call names? Nevermind. I know the answer...

IKR??? Remember when the United States invaded the Ukraine???

I guess the Kremlin didn’t fire all the temps once Trump won...