So if we start pretending to be triggered by free healthcare, will we get it??
So if we start pretending to be triggered by free healthcare, will we get it??
I like to think karma is based on actions, not thoughts. Unless those thoughts turn to actual curses, which mine are angry enough to do when it comes to Eddie Munster.
Maybe it was more refreshing back before the edgelords of the internet made their presence known to the world.
YES! Re-watching that in my 30s for the first time since my teens was astonishing.
The real Rosanne hasn’t self-critiqued though so the show can’t get there. If she ever comes out the other end of the Trump-cult she could probably actually write a version of TV-Rosanne’s Trumpism that is interesting and nuanced.
Modernism is a proper noun.
My original point stands, as both forms are considered correct.
It’s his pact with the devil. He’ll be animate until he fulfills whatever purpose he promised.
Agreed. “Thank you Trumpikins! This is a lot of money for a cab ride home, but I’ll leave a good tip.” Then run away and drink until you kill every brain cell associated with the last night.
I don’t know any who have admitted it. I know a lot who have just stopped talking.
Oh lord....I see both sides of this argument (Hey! Self-reporting is data! It is not perfect data! How hard is that?)
Gotta love the Arab-hating troll spamming all of the comments. I mean, I guess you gotta tell yourself what you gotta tell yourself to sleep at night....
It is actually a good way to sort out people who are against the occupation of Palestine from Nazi-types. The former tends to support BLM as well as Palestine (and a number of other issues relating to injustice). The latter does not.
Meanwhile I can’t get 2-3 tablets a month for my crippling period pain.
There is evidence that the pairings were often Neanderthal male/human female. NOT THAT HUMAN WOMEN CAN’T RAPE MEN MRAs, OKAY IT’S JUST RARER IS WHAT I’M SAYING. I mean, I guess Neanderthals are technically human though, so your original point still stands. Still, I wouldn’t rule out consensual sex happening as well.
Liberals who still think that are stupid. Full stop. There’s nothing you can do with stupid.
And Sputnik will blame American-backed Ukrainian nazis.
Unionization seems like a positive next step.