I am so sorry. I hope you are handling it okay. Step away if you need to. Don’t let those angry broken men drag you down. :(
I am so sorry. I hope you are handling it okay. Step away if you need to. Don’t let those angry broken men drag you down. :(
Am I the only one who suspects that alt-right men are a huge chunk of the audience for this?
I hope so. It’s stupid, but part of me has always hoped she’s a secret good guy. Divorcing Trump while in the Office of President would be a baller move.
I saw that one. I went back and read his other posts on other articles too. Something definitely “off” about him.
That actually sounds interesting. Might check it out.
Yeah that rings a bell. I think I grew up in a transition time because I remember seeing both.
Ugh Seventh Heaven creeped me out so much the few times I watched it. Now I know why!
Yes. We will be well treated. I feel sorry for the STEM folks though.
That was my main thought after reading this article. I’m like “Wait has there been a timeline shift??? Do we get another chance?????”
It’s likable only if you see god as the clear villain. (He is.)
Dang Kidada looks just like Norma— I mean Peggy.
They did not decide not to give him attention. Dismissing removes his opinion from the view of others. Very different.
Ugh he is that vile.
If we were like them we would have a full blown conspiracy theory rolling by now. Afterall, Nikolas sounds kinda Russian.
You’re going to tease us like that??? Deetz plz!!?
Yeah that’s what I was thinking. That VC Andrews shit was NOT healthy sexuality. There is pretty much JUST Judy Blume for that...and one good author does not a golden age make.
The killer strain (sounds so dramatic) was in the shot, but H3N2 is notoriously tricky and has already mutated its slimy way to the point where it is not very effective. Luckily, the shot can still save you from dying or getting all that sick.
“I bind you”
Why dont you spend the rest of your life making 50 cents out of every dollar you’ve earned and show up to work with a smile on your face?