Well someone needs a hug.
Well someone needs a hug.
A Lannister always pays his vets.
Well because of the way you described the Terrorist House , now I want to see Sacha Baron Cohen do a parody movie about MTV's The Real World except instead of 20-30 somethings it is filled with terrorists. Can hear the promo now "Find out what happens when out when members from Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, the IRA, The…
No, sorry. One digression is too many. Grow the fuck up. Fuck Dan Savage and his selfish bullshit.
If monogamy is not your bag, you need to put on your big boy pants and be honest about it with yourself and your partner. So yes, cheaters are fucking liars, and liars are bad people when their lying makes a lie out of the life their partner believes in and is committed to in good faith.
Dude never grew up, did he?
Man, I wouldn't. One or two more seasons, sure, but almost no show continues to be good after the sixth season or so. As much as I love Firefly, that's just not a chance I'm willing to take. Besides part of the potency of the story is that they were living the same die-any-day lifestyle their characters were.
Yup! I've actually used this in job interviews before and I like to think that it got me the jobs. This was a number of years ago, but in positions where you need to manage a team, using the « have you ever tried to direct 40 people around in a fictional world before? Well I have, and I do it succesfully once a week!…
no kidding on the default ways thing. When I was hardcore into warcraft I would preach to my guild all the time about the principal of GoT. Everything you do in the game to make Gold should be measured in Gold over Time. You can farm for hours and pick up ten stacks of ore and sell them for 50 gold a stack and make…
Here is one of my lessons:
Aside from whether or not you're a fan of her brand of humor, I still don't understand why Girls, a very modestly rated cable show about a small insular group created by a strong young female comedic voice, is the scapegoat for television's pervasive whiteness.
I don't disagree with you on many fronts here. The internet is a complete privilege for game developers these days, and it can seem pretty brattish when they complain that amongst the 99 ideas handed to them they hadn't thought of there was 1 guy who didn't post anything positively critical. And as I stated, I don't…
Whenever discussions like this arise, I always imagine the two parties, in this case you and Mr. Anonymous, talking about it in person. Would you say the same things? In the same way? (Both are rhetorical questions, by the way.) It's just something I wonder about. I'd give anything to see something like that filmed…
I'm not going to pick apart anybody's argument one by one, or list a string of quotes, or deny the authenticity of an opinion. I just wish to discuss the proper issue here.
The point the author of the post is trying to get at is that you should THINK before you say ANYTHING. Be a little empathetic. This applies to everything, not just games. The reason he's mentioning gaming and gamers specifically is because he works in the industry and the reason the article has been posted here is…
Since you seem so invested in such topic, I might as well add in. First, I applaud you for being "uncritical" or at least trying to be. You back yourself against a wall and make yourself out to be seemingly completely biased in such…critique. You continue to lash out for some reason instead of compromising with others…
I feel like everyone who considers themselves an artist should know this... If you work in a creative field, you're going to have people hate you. The people who hate you are always more vocal than the people that love you, and this is multiplied nowadays due to the internet. The hardest part is brushing it off and…
Okay, so what i'm gonna say might be heresy, but I think Lord of the Rings is a good example of what you should not do - put a lot of thought into making a flawless world-building, but ignore your story.