Rob H

I believe an archbishop would say the Church of England's founder was God ;)

Everyone loathes Princess Michael.

No British house ever had a "storm cellar" - it blatantly was a North American house not an English one!

I'm gay, he's vaguely attractive but mostly annoying.

I loved it so much. "It's Over Isn't It" made me cry. For a kids show, having an episode entirely about a man and a woman dealing with their grief and love for another woman - in Broadway musical format - is surely unprecedented.

Doesn't Sherlock say "wenching", rather than whoring? A competent episode, it just felt shoe-horned into a nod to the original. The robot reveal was too quickly done, so the only mystery was an rather dry chase about who was inheriting the money.

Hitler had several "high castles" on hilltops or rocky outcrops, the most famous being the Berghof in Bavaria, the Wolf's Lair in Poland, and the Kehlsteinhaus or Eagle's Nest. Wewelsburg was also a castle for the SS cult, which the Nazis planned on enlarging but never got around to. The show in the castle is called

The actor playing Wegener is blatantly Danish, his German accent is cursory at best.

Joe and John are Americans. Let's not forget there were LOTS of Nazi sympathisers in the US in the 1930s. Hitler even admired America for its "progressive" policies of racial segregation and eugenics. The US was carrying out euthanasia and enforced sterilisation years before Germany, for example of mental patients,