

That’s where the drinking comes in. You’ll feel as though you’re saying clever shit even when you aren’t.

Heidi Klum usually nails it but...

Yup, we were required to go after them as far as the front sidewalk, which meant there was a lot of screaming and cursing. :/

Company policy didn't really care about the safety of their 17 year old servers.

That is a lie, they have protested Jeb Bush and they do have plans to target more Republicans.

I don’t know. I imagine at least part of it would be related to having a) a glimmer of hope that the conversation would be done in good faith on the part of democrat candidates, even if their positions or solutions are not well flushed out to date, and b) making it known that democrat candidates can’t just keep

Every dine and dasher I ever had to try and run down was a white person between late twenties and early thirties. Because they’re old enough to not get watched for being a teen, so they think they can get away with it.

And smoking can kill you. Nobody knows that either. In other news, water is wet.

That makes sense.

That is totally different and completely understandable. Some casual places routinely have everyone do it as soon as they order at any time of day, too.

As long as you’re happy. :)

You brought that on yourself. You knew it was a Bieber song, but you just had to listen, didn’t you?

Rita who?

I like the song, but it could easily be perceived as annoying. I would suggest skipping it because coupled with the Bieber Hotline Bling it might lead you to abandon anything recorded after 1972. Or more likely 1872.

Seriously. Terrifying.

Spot on. Also, I used to work at a movie theatre in a tiny town that somehow, inexplicably, got Cory Feldman to do an appearance before a midnight showing of The Goonies. He wore sunglasses and white pants covered in rhinestones and now, every time I see his face, all I can think of is his white sparkly pants.

Harsh, but fair.

When they make a movie about Martha they should really think hard about casting Corey Feldman as the lead.