
Gone are the days of matchmaking based on level or skill, now we’re being matched based on in game purchases. As a kid from the nineties, I hate these trends. For comparison, my son and nephew, 9 and 12 respectively, don’t mind micro transactions at all.

The Madden devs need to share their secrets.

I forgot how beautiful Ashley is. Now I remember why I loved her. Too bad they couldn’t live happily ever after.

Wow, reading the comments I feel like I’m the only one that enjoyed this game. I bought it for really cheap at the time so I didn’t feel ripped off, maybe that’s why; my fun-per-dollar rate was fairly high.

How’s the learning curve in this game compared to Dark Souls 3? I’m interested but don’t want to get burned. I want combat that’s easy to learn but difficult to master. I love Witcher 3 combat and didn’t feel Dark Souls 3 was on par, my opinion. Does this game “throw you to the wolves” or develop at a pace you can

Porn, porn never changes.

Agreed. Anyone who’s willing to sink so much additional cash into a game they paid $60 for already deserves to be ripped off.

This is what EA does, instead of adding skill or a legitimate challenge they just nerf players (human or cpu). It’s obvious in Madden.