
Found the guy fucking with Korey’s car.

I will always love the F50, because I had this as a child:

The EPA follows a similar line, with the exceptions of

Type of car? Meh, whatever..

They remind me of crown Vic wheels from the early 90’s.

This. Barrett “sounding stereotypically black” (because that’s precisely what the original game’s text implies) does absolutely nothing to diminish the many AWESOME things about his character. It’s also a bit silly for people to be so up in arms about a character sounding like Mr. T when he is literally modeled after

I know a hoarder who has numerous derelict vehicle in his yard. City comes by the neighborhood twice a year and tags all the vehicles in the area that don’t have current plates. He had the remains of a Chevy Suburban with no doors, no interior, no engine trans, just a shell sitting on axles and wheels with a brand new

It’s a sign that this country has too many self-indulgent wieners with too much bloody money.

Much less positively referencing Marx while decrying totalitarianism.

It will never not be funny that I am exposed to more unabashed Marxism on Jalopnik than I am anywhere else in my day to day life.

I dunno if we can call somebody with a Lamborghini a hero. It conflicts with Jalopnik’s editorial stance.

Fun fact:  UP 844, which is mentioned in the article, is the only steam locomotive in North America that was never officially retired from service - it was simply moved from UP’s regular fleet to their heritage fleet.

The “grunt detector” (so-called  because after a cold night, firing up the tank will cause all infantrymen in a 100-meter radius to come huddle behind it) is pretty handy for heating water, grilling, and drying/warming laundry ... if you know how to handle the toughlly 700 F exhaust correctly.

Ah... none.

I honestly thought it would be more

David? The only towels Mr. Tracy throws are shop towels. And that’s after they’re too dirty for anything else, like the dishes.

For $30,000 it’s a screaming deal to me. That’s considerably less than the gap between an F1 F430 and a manual. You’d almost be nuts to not do it.

I’m kind of OK with a $30k price for this. Also because F1 gearboxes are shit at anything less than full-bore shifts.

doesn’t take nearly as much force as picking it up

Now playing

Related, since the Grand Cherokee is about to be the last thing being made actually in Detroit. I’d love it if they unveiled the next one the exact same way as the original. Roll it out the plant, down Jefferson then up the COBO steps.