
I was saying the same shit in another post on Jalop, and someone was on my ass for not reading the whole article and being anti-tariff.. haha! People are so gullible.

I took the bike out last week when we hit 50 degrees in the middle of the day. Later that night I road home in snow.

And all the Ford GT manufacturing drawings

It looks like the designers had a Ford GT in the room with them.

Now playing

I have an issue with Ferrari Collector David Lee - he seems he seems to want all these great things but he wants them because “they are the thing to have” vs actually driving of them with any resemblance of driving enjoyment. Perhaps there’s a David Lee we’ve never seen and I’m wrong. The cars seem to be nothing

The only good reason to kick someone’s shit in is to protect your self or someone else. If you’re just mad at someone, it’s never justified. 

No civilization on Earth has risen above physical confrontation, yet.

So, it’s an M8 GTE competitor?

Overnight trains can save you by moving while you sleep.

The McLaren F1 had 17" wheels. That seems sufficient.

Tracking on (admittedly an entheusiast site) was around 8-10% on engine failures or buybacks after the headgasket fiasco last year. I think it calmed down after Ford and Dealers actually started getting experienced people to do the swaps.

Counter-point: Self-checkout (when properly configured and working) is the best.

Neat, I didn't know about that line, thanks!

Wow look at that paint! It’s so goddamn hard to find the objectively superior lead-based paint to restore those things… 

I’m not rich, but I LOVE the rich. They buy super fancy exotics we Jalops can pick up 4th hand for cheap 10 years down the road.

Naw, keep ‘em fed and keep ‘em entertained and nobody will revolt.

Well, I guess I’m going to have to start going up stairs on my MX bike. This video makes it look simple as pie. Nothing here looked too outlandish. To really freak out, go to the pro levels of any motorcycle events (trials, freestyle, MX, SX, GP, hillclimb, side-car, dragster, desert, TT). If you aren’t shaking in your


I’m having a really hard time with the use of the word “culture” around a hobby rooted in an industry that has always been about multi-billion dollar corporations charging hundreds of dollars for something that cost a couple bucks for people who are essentially slave labor to put together in an overseas sweatshop.