
One time I had a girl approach me at the L in Chicago and ask me for money for a train fare. I offered her a train token (yeah, I’m old). She politely declined.

I’m sure that cops are disappointed - fewer opportunities to kill people with impunity.

Going a little fast there, buddy. Where’s the fire? *Points back at police officer’s car.

That is much better looking that the Z8.


The tweet cost Musk 20 million and Tesla 20 million. How many short sellers did it destroy? I’ve seen reports it cost them up to 1.3 Billion. “Worth it”.

It is really disappointing that Jalopnik would support such an absurd position. This site has not typically lowered itself to coddle the politically correct whiners who choose to be victims because it is trendy. 

I don’t think that is what the adjective before capitalism is trying to allude to.

It’s really a former shop truck that’s now a showpiece.

I like the rims, just not for this ride.

Beautiful truck, but it would make a better shop truck is the fuel cell was not in the bed.

Yeah it better go faster than that. 25 years ago the F1 did 240 with the rev limiter removed. This thing looks like a teardrop and has 1.5x the horsepower.

I have a basic understanding of rights.

worth the tickets

The real crime would be putting a front license plate on that car.   

It’s a strangely written piece. It starts off about how America had upped the game by installing the Pershing II in the 80s that couldn’t hit Moscow (but the Soviets thought it could) and then mentioned the Soviets had installed a lot of missiles that could hit London in the 70s. Then it talks about how the Americans

came here for this. not disappointed.

Actually, between the Russia breaking the treaty for over a decade and China military buildup, the DOD has been thinking of dropping out since 2013.