
In between Russia’s disregard of the treaty and China’s non-signatory status, I’m not totally sure what “moral leverage” actually gives us. If it was just Russia we had to worry about, I could understand why leaving the treaty might not be wise. However, history marches on, and unfortunately the rise of China has made

When David Tracy offers to buy it.

The bus weighed 35,000 lbs, not 35 tons. Arkansas DOT or the local media flubbed that one. Still overweight for the bridge, but not as comically so.

You are absurd. These people signing these contracts are adults. They are legally able to enter into agreements. They are the ones choosing to overbuy. They are responsible for their own decisions. No one is putting a gun to their heads. These buyers that are spending on average $32,000 per new car are well within

Dude... are you saying that the dealers and financial institutions are responsible for peoples financial decisions?

Don’t make excuses for poor decision making. The average price of cars is going up for a number of reasons, but that doesn’t mean more affordable options are not out there. People are ego-buying cars and there are loans to help them do it. Of course people “want nice” but its only recently that people feel they

Why should I listen to you if you’re gonna call people assholes right from the start. That’s the exact wrong way to get someone on your side.

Thanks for the advice.


Stretch your mind (and your price range) and get a Roxor.

OBS Ford is the correct answer. My first pickup was a ‘95 black on tan Eddie Bauer F-150. I still regret selling that truck.  (stock photo)

Yep. An OBS Ford has been my dream truck since I was a kid. I just bought this one about a month ago with the 7.3L non-turbo IDI diesel.

Can we please stop using this clearly inaccurate artist’s rendition of what will certainly not be the new bronco?  Just stop.  It is spreading misinformation to everyone.  The number of arguments I have a week with people about how inaccurate that rendering is is getting out of hand.  Stop perpetuating the cycle of

Please can we stop using that fan-made bronco render without disclaimers? It’s just going to end in disappointment when people actually see the new bronco and it looks more like a jeep than an F-150.

Guilty of what? Empowering more women than the left?

There was intent on the part of the bank. They meant to take his car from him.

Yeah, and a Corolla? You can find a really nice Corolla for under $2k; I’d buy something in the $1,500 - 2,500 range and, if you can’t get it inspected, keep the money handy to invest in major repairs. They’re pretty much bullet-proof, so if you have $5k to sink into it, go ahead and have a Corolla that’s going to run

Predatory? Nobody made him decide that a $3400 car wasn’t good enough for him. $3400 in 1991 would go a long way in used cars. Nobody made her co-sign for a friend with bad credit. Nobody needs a Corvette. And if you have to borrow for it at subprime rates you certainly don’t need it. Sorry, these people had options

Yes, attacking someone is an excellent argument and a way to show that you’re a reasonable, mature, and logical adult.
Do you see me defending Trump? No. Re-read my comment and let me know where you see me defending any politician whatsoever. 

Here’s how to write an article without cheap political jabs. How about taking the high road next time: