
I mean...that’s depressing as hell. Though you aren’t wrong.

Then again, I am completely mystified by the concept of an abusive relationship in general, because I cannot fathom how anyone could be coerced to stay with a person that abuses them.

While I agree with you, at this time I have to agree with mr atsgeoff as well. I understand that people stay quiet and why they do, but unless they or someone else does speak up then I have to go with the facts that are known. In this case, the facts seem to indicate an unorthodox but stable monogamous relationship.

GTF.... yes, yes. You are correct sir!

Colorized Gremlin

Pools are like Pickup Trucks. No one should ever actually own one. But everyone needs a good friend who owns one.”

I’ve told this story before. Me and my family went to gathering. One of the kids there just got his permit. So he was begging people to let him drive their cars, up and down the driveway. Long story short me, him and my three year old son are in my car. He’s trying to start it. He’s pressing the red buton (it’s an Acur

“... I love the quirky designed Europa as well.

Neither did I.  If I’m selling a car and a person nitpicks about that, I don’t want to sell the car to them anyways.

Neither did I. I keep a pine tree on the mirror of my 240SX convertible just because its a 90's-2000's car thing to me and I like trying to keep the car 90's.

I’m old enough to remember when this was called Ghost Riding.

With an inverted that is how it would work..... for about 5-10 minutes.

I had my registered bike stolen. I’m convinced registration is just a revenue source for the city. Law enforcement basically told me straight up even if it is recovered they will most likely not notify me and just send it to the recycle yard.

I did get contacted three years later though. Not because it was registered,

Siding with Captain America was the losing side, but not the wrong side.

You’d think that, but considering your bed is longer than his truck, it’d be closer than you think. And you wouldn’t get pulled over by the cops.

I like your truck better, though.

I still have both of those. The red Quasar and the yellow Lambo. Well, my kids do.

If you're of a certain age, you probably know this car as a red and yellow Matchbox.

*adjusts nerd glasses*