
Needs to come here as the new Lexus flagship. Now. Show some balls, Toyota.

I miss having an old shitty car people hate riding in, it’s the best excuse to not waste gas on them and their poor opinions.


I would never own a full-sized pickup(except for maybe a SRT10), but warning bells go off when someone starts opining on what everyone else should drive. I can see similar arguments made against V8 ponycars- two inefficient, too big, too powerful, etc. My overriding vehicular ownership philosophy is: What car or

That is exactly what happened to me. I ordered mine Jan 3rd and am pissed off because Liberty Mutual denied without reason. Just like that after 6 months of anticipating and spending over $6000 taking Uber I was told I was out of the program but that I could still purchase or lease my order from my local dealership.

Also, I’m fucking amazed that these people let cops into their house without a warrant, dug through their own trash to give them evidence, AND provided them with identification so they could check for warrants. The proper response would have been to tell Officer Drug Dog to fuck right off and to then call your lawyer.

If I left right now, I wouldn’t get there until about Wednesday...

It’s time we stop catering to suburban dad truck people and livestock trailer truck people with the same vehicle. If you have to haul cattle across state lines then power to ya, get that 2500 or 35oo. If you haul anywhere from a single bag of mulch up to your general building contractor necessities perhaps electric

No, they’re just not being treated like the snowflakes they think they are. Fucking twats think they should be treated like PhD’s instead of the unskilled labor they are.

Oh yeah?


Blacked out lights.

Please put “for Mac” or “for Apple” in the headline, unless you’re actually TRYING to bait your readers.

That’s not flying, that is falling with style.

I have a crystal Testarossa that I found at a flea market. It was only $12 so I had to get it.

As an accident investigator and re-constructionist - I approve this comment!

Good work finding the case, and introducing actual information. Better than a bunch of smug assholes talking about how good their helmets are.

Not denying the overloading but I’d probably put more blame on the trailer in this case than their weight. Motorcycle load ratings are (in general) waaaay out of whack with real world use, especially touring bikes that usually only have a load rating of ~400 lbs. That barely covers 2 average sized (US) humans let