
My odds of seeing one at some point just doubled. Excellent.

This! If the assessor lowers the value you pay less taxes.

It’s funny how many people I know who don’t use their parking brakes. I don’t drive much now, but I do maintain a driver’s license. I learned to drive in a hilly area and my parents taught me always to use the parking brake when parking, even in flat areas. Now I live where it’s mostly flat, and it seems like my

You would be shocked, ok, maybe you wouldn’t, at how many people have never even removed the owners manual from the glove compartment. A lady came back in screaming in our service department last week that someone broke her windshield wipers while it was in the shop. When she started her car to leave, the wipers

I drove at least one on the launch program with a bench front seat.

Actually screamed when I read the headline.

Christ, is every Gawker writer a liberal? Trump may not be perfect, there is no perfect candidate, but I’ll take my chances with him over Hillary.

Might as well post this to Hillary herself for all the good it’ll do here. This site and most of the posters here are scumbag Clinton supporters, whether paid to be so or simply for the enjoyment of endorsing amoral, deranged, murderous, lying pieces of shit.

This is the essential difference between Totalitarians and republicans the world over (the little are is intentional as it is not associated with the Republican Party, which didn’t even exist until 1957).

The fact gawker is so against this tells me it was the right choice.

Best/only sub 5k sleeper I could find on ebay:

You can say what you want about the tenets of national socialism but at least it’s an ethos.

“Walkers” It is both true and a nice homage to Alissa.

Without reading the article, sack this piece of shit already.

You’re kidding, right? Because only someone who had no idea what the classic car market was doing right now would even ask this question.

A railroad tie is typically not something you want to reclaim for residential use, especially for furniture. They are treated with creosote and you don’t want that shit touching your skin for any extended period of time. They ARE NOT ‘perfect’ for use as furniture.

Worst forum shit storm ever seen? Easy. Go to any thread on Gawker or Jezebel, make a comment where you might appear to not be a left wing liberal nut job. You could tell them the sky is blue. However, if they even THINK you are a Republican (even if thats not the case), not only is the sky NOT blue, but you are an

Get 3 or 4 6in-ish wide 4ft lenghts of dry wall and duct tape them together. Plop arse in some ones trunk and cross your legs over the drywall holding them down to the pavement. Magic, its like giant chalk stick. That’s what we used in my old Auto-X days.