
Should’ve been driving one of these - would’ve gone straight through it with no problems.

It must feel so good to drive that thing with no people on it.

Yeah, GM did something sort of similar for the Mustang 50th Anniversary. Here’s an image of it, and a link to the article.

Not to poop on the party but the 20th Century ended on Dec. 31, 2000.

Word, I’ve done the Ohio to Miami drive for spring break in the middle of the night (and part of the day). You stop as little as possible because realistically, very few road trips aren't on a time clock.

I’m the same way, I drove from Miami to Louisville non stop except for fuel, in under 16 hours many years ago. I regularly drive to New Orleans from our home in Huntsville every couple months to vacation for a extended weekend. Only 6 hours of driving is easy to do and I do it in one tank of gas.

Does it include a Goddess First Class?

I dunno man, all I see is FJ!

what a bunch of left wing rubbish.

Bought one 2 months ago. I’ll start wrenching when it gets cold outside. Childhood dream do come true sometimes... And I found some really cool stuff while cleaning it!

They had a reach of 30 miles, and “lack of precision” is a relative term when you are referring to an area weapon, which these are. Are you aware of amount of use they got during Desert Storm? Another interesting foot note, the standard HE round fired from said gun has over a 1000m blast radius, compare that to the

Extremely valid point. I was not thinking of the solely “for personal use” bit and because I buy and sell often enough —- I was definitely only thinking from that perspective.

Insanely high beltlines. All of the decades in advancement of safety, and this is what they come up with? I mean sure, more metal, more passive safety and all that jazz...But then you’re like driving around a bunker that you can’t see out of. So it’s like one step forward, two steps back.

Does this count as a pickup? It has a “bed”, right??

There's three other wheels with three other nuts. Therefore, one of the nuts wouldn't break free.

Well, in that case, it's entirely reasonable to pay a truck toll, since that's a truck.

Obvious answer is obvious