
So how light *are* these slot mags compared to more modern designs of the same dimensions?

Someone who’s friends with Jay Leno needs to ask if McLaren takes his F1 on a rented track for high speed shakedowns every year. I’d bet money the answer is “No”.

This was an inside job

Skip the middleman and just take a motorcycle out in January. Pure adrenaline.

Even the block of the S70/2 is unique, not interchangeable in any way with other BMW engines.

Those are not period correct hundreds!

This guy knows almost nothing about the F1.

28 degrees this morning. Brisk 50 mile ride to work.

Placenta is delicious though. No reason not to eat it, provided it’s thoroughly cooked.

But do solo motorcyclists still get a free pass?

My biggest gripe with this movie is that it should have started 10 minutes earlier and ended 10 minutes later, story-wise.

The key to a safe cab-over is simply to get one that puts the driver above everyone else on the road.

At just a bit over 500lbs, that is reasonably light for the segment. Sadly I haven’t taken an Africa Twin out to actually compare.

big adventure bikes like this are totally awesome and ooze cool. But having actually ridden one off pavement, holy crap are they a bear to actually offroad with. So much weight, with a high center of gravity. You have to be a real expert to get these things across technical terrain. Especially if you have it loaded

This pleases me greatly. Lighter is always better, and while 800lbs is no lightweight, it’s still a step in the right direction.

My first thought as well.

Just the old daily driver, a 2006 lincoln zephyr. Had stuck caliper slide pins on the right rear, and a resulting single worn-to-metal brake pad.

am I the only one who never, ever listens to obnoxiously loud music? I like my hearing, thank you very much. I wear ear plugs to concerts, when mowing the lawn, using power tools, or riding my motorcycle.

I feel like this is what Citroën would have produced if they had a Skunkworks division.

This just in: flood insurance for flood-prone properties is expensive. Insurance companies are not non-profits that exist solely for your benefit.