
Some people really are special and irreplaceable, and thus can and do get away with things others could not.

Yeah not seeing the issue. He went WOT and did some quick/hard shifts, but nothing I would really consider to be ‘abuse.’

Didn’t watch the London games 4 years ago, didn’t watch the Rio games this year.

A GT40 could fit.

Yep. Doesn’t take tanks, helicopters, drones or nukes to wage effective war against a government-backed military, particularly when the resistance is indigenous. That being said, I’m all for deregulation of machine guns, rocket launchers, shoulder fired surface to air missiles and other, more potent weapons of war for

No need to feel bad for me, as my world view is correct.

The interior aesthetic looks really cool. The exterior, not so much.

If it lowers the value according to an appraiser, it does in fact lower your taxes.

I have years of property tax documents which prove that they DO work like that. My house is worth less than what I paid for it in 2006, and my property taxes are now based on a lower value than what they were in 2006.

what a bunch of wussy neighbors.

Eh, I say it’s worth about half of their asking price. Might fetch 6k from the right buyer.

Pfft, we wouldn’t have this problem if everyone used the Dymaxion projection.

Feet are usually cleaner than hands. Just sayin’

Looks like the bike owner used a very heavy chain to lock up his bike.

Sounds like you hate Miata owners, not Miatas.

BIcycle racing has been hamstringed since 1934, when the UCI banned recumbents from competition. That’s a far greater travesty than this electric motor assist stuff.

Best looking Ferrari ever built.

they already have that, it’s called the Lottery.

...You DO realize that this nation’s Revolutionary War started because some ‘unhinged’ farmers fired upon their government, right? And that the final provocation which led to them exchanging fire was the government’s demand for them to disarm?

I’m amazed at how little damage there is to the Ferrari. I’ve honestly shrugged off more serious damage than that.