
How is this even a question?

The Corvette has never had an image problem with younger men. The reason Corvettes are mostly driven by middle-aged guys is that young folks can't generally afford a new Corvette. And those few who can, often need to spend the money on a car that can seat more than two people.

Certain Tauruses do require premium...

That is the most bizarre custom job I've ever seen. Very hard to wrap your head around the proportions of the vehicle even while watching it travel along the road.

HF tools are hit-or-miss. Some of the stuff won't last 10 minutes under hard use. Other stuff is more durable than Snap-On. Check their site for user reviews of a specific tool before you purchase.

I just wanted to say that this article and the comments inspired several google searches and a wiki walk which taught me a whole lot about ZF and the 4HP22 specifically, and reinforced my love of manual transmissions and disdain for automatics. For this I thank you, Jalopnik.

I very rarely wash my cars. I'm very good at keeping up on maintenance, checking tire pressure, fluid levels, keeping the interior and trunk free from trash, changing the oil, oil filter and air filter, etc... but when I set out to wash my car and just think, "as soon as I do this it's just going to get dirty again."

You phrase this question as if purple isn't the most awesome car color.

Another lesson Lincoln needs to relearn.

I have to say, I'm pleasantly surprised at the overwhelmingly pro-gun reaction almost all of the comments in this article have. This proves that we jalops are a just a bit harder to dupe into believing mass media drivel.

Re: in terms of government's much greater likelihood of murdering you.

the thing about gun-related deaths is that aside from the extremely rare accident, the deaths were INTENTIONAL. As such there is zero reason to believe any one of them would be prevented without the presence of a gun. You could just as easily kill dozens of teachers and school children with simple household chemicals,

Fuck you, guns. Fuck you for enabling the small, the weak, and the enfeebled to protect themselves against the big and the strong. Fuck you, guns, for making everyone equal not in law, but in practice.

What makes you think law enforcement officers should have access to guns but everyone else shouldn't? That effectively gives the government a monopoly on deadly force. And frankly, the government is much more likely to murder you than some some wackjob who shoots up a school.

This ad needs to be played for and watched by every employee of Lincoln. THIS is what Lincoln should be about. Not rebadging crossovers and attempting to reinvent the image of a truly mediocre lineup of vehicles.

Between the two listed cars, I'd give the nod to the e31.

Good times. I had an '85 Turbocoupe myself, and executed many awesome u-turns and parking maneuvers by taking advantage of its 'bat-turn' tendencies.

With the demise of the small domestic pickup, a new El Camino could actually be a sales success in the US market, due to it filling a recently voided market segment.

I might never say this again about a street car, but...