
i would like to call for a reset on this nonsense. please, deadspin, no more ANYTHING on this. it needs to die. did anyone even contemplate that since 11 of 12 were under inflated, THAT THAT WAS THE NORM? and not the aberration???? not a pats fan, just saying... we all need to move on.

what was that? Please don't shoot my d*(& off.

vintage deadspin.

on the logo alone. And the fact that I hate the Chicago Northside baseball squadron

I would like to trademark BARTMAN BOSTICK. Thx

Is there still a two week gap between the title game and the supper blow? Is the prob owl before or after?

I like this. But can't you just be a Rodman fan, without the commitment? And toss in a Kim Jung Un pun, while we're at it

HA ha. (clinton dix).

this is the correct slant. How do you not go after a loose football?

yeah. Ima gonna go with this comment. + 14

kudos (not Kodos) to Deadspin. I have benn clicking on this fuckin video all day on Twitter and Slate, but I finally got it to play on deadspin.


that's a quality emoji

you're on fire 🔥 here today

I get this! Also "how much bread for a quack dance?" Two jokes for one. One stupid, the other, subtle. Maybe

best of all time. And the Celebration Ale (24 bottles, 23.99 @Costco) is fantastic this yr

human centipede 🐛 is alpha top poop 💩 humor. And my autofill suggested centipede 🐛 pretty fast. + (joke about 100 feet)

that's deadspinism right there, folks

I will be buying this beer 🍺 tonite. Thanks. Good article

I do not have a degree in PhotoShop, but how 'bout