Whom is the better sweater?
Whom is the better sweater?
Top pun so far...
I was gonna say... (the beginning of sheep Mondays)?
this article is all great, BUT GET THE NAME OF THE INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT RIGHT. It is correct on the images, wrong in the article text
Ho-leee phuc!
30 some?? Who doesn't fucking know how many teams are in the league?? How did you fucking get in here?? Holy shit!
wow. My six yr old cries and moans the same way. Creepy, and a effed up video
Something, something, Jim Croce/Al Yankovic parody song title
I am not doing the math. +{logo violation}
True Story: beginning of patriots undefeated season, they had 2 wins under their belt, and my buddy says "what odds will you give me that they go 19-0?" we are both big football fans, and i blurted out 100-1. he slapped a 50 on the bar, and i bought the next round of drinks. fast forward through all of the things…
No shit. My doctor told me he had real bad news. I have cancer and Alzheimers. At least I don't have cancer.
Had one for 2 yrs, until baby. Worst animal on planet. Can't learn, sheds, puked, drools, RUINS furniture, & floors, occasional piss/shit indoors..
Ultimate trolling. Bravo
+1 humor policing
I just read about this in USA Today, and thot about how I would never do that. firsties make my skin shed
i don't know how fast those go, but hopefully fast enough to not hear everyone laughing at you - stolen from twitter.
A twitter méme combined with deadspin comedy. +