
One other way people should try to be anti-racist (I legitimately have no clue if I’m going to be shouted down for this, but it’s something I definitely believe in) is if you are white and you see a person of color being harassed by the police for [insert BS reason for questioning African Americans for just living

Bookmarking this to distribute to co-workers and friends. Excellent article. We need more education and less bubble-massaging.

Search for lockdown in your settings, it'll add an icon next to power and restart called lockdown. It'll lock the phone and require the pin or password. It'll also hide all notifications. 

latest version of Android Pie on the Pixel allows you to require PIn instead of Fingerprint, by just hittng the power button.

good for crossing checkpoints or when you get pulled over :)

This is a 4th amendment feature. The police in the US can compel you to put your finger on the fingerprint reader, they can’t compel you to type in a PIN.

PIN, and Smart Lock if it’s connected to my car or my smartwatch.

I have PIN/Password + Fingerprint for convenience. However, since I’m paranoid about being compelled to unlock my phone via fingerprint by a cop, I have a custom gesture paired with the Nova Launcher that will lock the screen and force a PIN/Password to unlock it.

There’s no catch. I’ve bought and sold phones on Swappa and I’ve never had an issue or caveat I had to compromise for.

I love I can buy a new phone, an old phone, a used phone, it doesn’t matter. It’s cheaper than what the carriers charge and it’s mine. Mine! All mine! No contract, no credit, just...mine.

You obviously have no idea what NN is, means or understands how it’ll affect consumers. Here... Let’s dumb it down for you... If you still don’t understand after, well I feel sorry for you.

Oh I see who you are. You’re the kind of idiot who automatically thinks anything from Obama is illegal and evil. All credibility you may have held is now shot.

I think what you don’t understand is what net neutrality IS.

I could go on a long diatribe pointing out facts that are clear as fucking crystal, and then furthermore dig into the fact that you’re a conservatroll, but let’s keep it simple and to the point:

You’re a fucking imbecile.

You went ad hominem first. If they rep Google/Amazon then you shill for Comcast/Verizon. Did you work for Hillary impersonating Bernie Bros?

How the fuck were they confiscatory? Because ISPs couldn’t arbitrarily decide to fuck consumers and web companies their property has been confiscated?

You’re talking about the case ruled on in 2014 that directly led to the 2015 Net Neutrality provisions being put into effect which are now being overturned?

Wow. Well said. Thanks you both for the patience to hear each other out. I agree this net neutrality repeal is not in anyone’s best interest, but once Comcast and other ISP introduce the Netflix internet package for higher rates, or other such money grabs, it will somehow still be Hillary’s fault.

What did I just tell you? The FCC forcibly enforced Net Neutrality long before Title II was even conceived. I even provided links.

Do you have any indication that the law was being violated? If so, please highlight the offending party so that we may file a complaint and start an investigation while the law is still in effect.

Wait, you mean you haven’t noticed a change since the rules that haven’t gone into effect yet haven’t been implemented?