
No shit. He thought he could steer a train off the rails over curbs, fences, and two intersections?

Ah, another excerpt from Trump’s playbook: The “I didn’t know that” move.

Corollas are great, cheap and reliable. Granted I value not living with the parents over a truck that I don’t need.

It wasn’t really 0%. They just added the interest you would’ve paid into the MSRP on the vehicle and told you the loan was 0% interest.

Gotta show up the neighbors!! 

A $573 car payment for 6 years. That sounds fun. And you’ll be upside down the whole time with $4,000 down. If that’s the average new car transaction people really are mad.

With motorcycles I have always had a widget called a battery tender that will keep a battery charged during long idle periods. When bike A is fully packed to literally ride to Alaska, the last thing I do is hook it up to bike B that has t stay in the garage.

he’s quite visual about his feelings

While I don’t entirely disagree with you, I do blame the fucking president of the United States for not making himself clear and at the very least coherent about the drug. Instead he wanted to brag about it solving all our problems or something. His daily press meetings aren’t helping anyone. If he would just shut the

It makes me happy to know he’s afraid enough to get his lawyers on it.

Now playing

Posting this here because 1) it’s the truth about what Trump has said and done, 2) compared to Fauci’s interview it highlights the stark difference b/w the two of them, and 3) because Trump’s lawyers are sending out cease-and-desist orders trying to take it down:

I don’t know what I feel worse about...

The hospital should be done for negligence. How, in good conscience, can anyone be turned away for treatment for this virus? Over here in Ireland the government have requisitioned all private hospitals (we have a two-tier system with opt-in private insurance if people want it but social healthcare for mostly free) and

Now that you mention it, Trump sounds a lot like the mayor from “Jaws” in all this. Both constantly say it’s not a big deal, everything is fine and going to be better, and you can’t close the beaches/economy because it costs too much money.

That is have the vaccine or the cure.

The much vaunted American capitalism and industrial might is actually very fragile.

There is very little reason to. People in Europe always forget how much of a hassle international travel can be. And the fact that many of our states are bigger than many European countries. There is VERY little need for American’s to go to other countries. It is a luxury most of us can’t afford.
That said, I have one

Lots of state DMVs were not ready to issue them until recently. 

It’s hard for a lot of people to make both the intellectual and emotional leaps to understand how much more affordable even gently used luxury cars are.

Among new cars, the choices these days are also getting clearer by the day, as American automakers give up on small cars and there are simply fewer cars to compare, unless you are one of those who are deluded about the need for an SUV.