
Ok wriggle out of this one fuckhead, Trump you impeached asswipe, you killed this man. Pure and simple, 100% you said it was a cure, they believed you and now this guy is dead. 

Keep the ball of your right foot in contact with the brake pedal and apply pressure to slow your car down.  At the same time, de-clutch with your left foot and take the car out of gear.  With the car in neutral, roll your right foot, still while braking, on the accelerator to get your revs up to where you want to

When asked how long it took to learn left foot braking Timo Makinen said, “It takes at least 2 years and many, many cars!”

I can heel and toe fine, though at 10/10ths I’m far more clumsy at it then at 5/10ths.  That said, I cannot for the life of me left foot brake. It would takes months or years to get my left foot to the same place as my right one in terms of sensitivity and dexterity.  Maybe I should start practicing....  

A perfectly-executed, rev-matching heel and toe downshift is a thing of joy. 

It’s the Chevrolet of Theseus.

That’s an awful big pencil. (d'oh, kinja’d by RedRaiderEducator)

For the record, this thing is spreading rapidly and widely. You don’t have a tiny chance of getting it, but a pretty big one. Some experts have predicted it’ll be contracted by between 40 and 70 percent of the world’s population. 

*Barring the rest of the world.

Happy Hanukkah?

I live a few hours from NYC, its a great place to go to, enjoy for a day or two...and then get the heck out and see a blade of grass or two

Living in New York City sounds absolutely horrible.

When the Isle of Man TT organizers say something is dangerous, it’s really fucking dangerous.


It really is a Ferrari experience at a quarter the price.

Because he’s simply not good at his job. That’s not a political perspective, either. If you know anything about interorganizational communication, watching this administration is like the Highlights Goofus cartoon version. “Goofus never informs his colleagues when he’s about to send out a statement that may impact

The reality is that America wasn’t prepared, because we chose not to be. In 2018, Trump’s administration cut the pandemic response team, and sent Rear Admiral Ziemer packing. He wasn’t replaced.

Airport workers just aren’t showing up for their shifts. And probably rightly so, since the higher ups are just fucking morons. There is incompetence everywhere and this virus is exposing it all. Employees coming in contact with possibly sick passengers without protective gear?

1st gear: Why  do the words 'Trump administration', 'chaos', and 'confusion' always appear together in the same article?