
Fast text speed is a must. I like it when I can make all the text in a box appear instantly, if possible.

The first thing I do is invert the Y-axis for cameras. I don’t usually play on a PC, so I often have no need to adjust performance settings.

Also, Ari is a monster for making font sizes as small as possible. All developers who have unreadable, tiny font should be ashamed, and I am against encouraging their criminal

Sure. Nikki Wood and the other Slayers get a raw deal, in general. On a side note, Nikki Wood and Kendra are also examples of Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s terrible treatment of non-white characters.

If you look at the fates of the female characters, Whedon is quite cruel to most of the female cast in Buffy/Angel:

1) Buffy: dies twice (she gets better), victim of attempted rape, victim of relationship abuse twice.
2) Willow: becomes the season six villain after going on a rampage to avenge her lover.
3) Anya: dies,

I have no idea.

Personally, I don’t care what year a game came out. What matters to me is when I played a game, so a year like 2020 has an inherent advantage over any year before it, in the sense that I could play games released in 2020 as well as games released any year prior to it. However, I don’t think any of the

My favourite thing about Final Fantasy XIII’s OST: I don’t have to play the mediocre game it originates from to listen to its excellent tracks.

While scalpers are the scum of the earth, the people who buy from scalpers are pretty much just as bad, since they make scalping profitable. I get that there can be serious circumstances that can necessitate buying from a scalper, but needing a PS5 RIGHT NOW is not one of them.

No, but only because I have no desire to get any tattoos.

Those signs vanish fairly early into the game.

I’m glad that we still have a Toys ’R Us where I live in Canada, especially now that I have a young daughter. I actually need videos like these to remember what the store was like in the 90s, as my parents didn’t take me or my sister there very often back in the day (our local Toys ’R Us is a little far away from my

Dude, you misspell the game’s name in the first sentence (and again partway into the article).

As for the secret, it’s pretty neat, although I don’t see the appeal of skipping most of such a great game.

As always, I was glad to see new articles by Peter!

This year, I finally finished Okami (got it for the PS3 in 2015 and got the Wii version a few years before then) and The Last Story (got it in 2012, right after its release). I also finished Metal Gear Solid 4 somewhat recently (can’t remember if that was this year or

I mean, this is just a little personal list that someone made to mention her favourite games of the year. It’s not that important in the grand scheme of the internet (no offense to Ash!), and it’s not really meant to expose games, and Kotaku will have a more major list a week or two from now that will just include new

Hell yes to including games not released in 2020. Including them makes a lot of sense for personal lists (except for people who exclusively play new games, I guess).

I didn’t buy a single one of these games. I view all of them as failures, no matter how big they are.

I’m not sure. I’d say one of my Nintendo systems, possibly the Gamecube (didn’t get many games for it, although what few I got are all excellent), the Wii (got a few more games for it, but I hated the gimmick and the system had fewer all-time great games), or the GBA (again, didn’t get too many games, and of the games

I had a few as a kid (including one boy with whom I basically just played DKC2). The only consistent one I’ve had is my cousin, whom I still game with.

What annoyed me most about the time travel is that there was a mermaid who died due to my actions, but she was randomly alive again when I went back in time...even though the point in time I returned to was after the time she died. I don’t know if I’d say that Act 3 of Dragon Quest XI disrespects players’ time, but it

I still don’t get why all game developers can’t implement button mapping for every button in every game. Like, I’ve been playing Trails of Cold Steel 4, and I can map the buttons for a bunch of functions, but I can’t swap the Circle and X buttons. Meanwhile, a bunch of Super Nintendo and PS1 games let you map all the

I mentioned half the country to refer to the seceding states in the US Civil War, not this election. It’s hard to tell how many people support Trump. He did, insanely enough, have over a 40% approval rating (but below 50%, thankfully), and I think his supporters probably had a really high turnout rate at the polls.