
Isn’t it a boxing metaphor?

/sigh.... Yet again proving just what is wrong with the world.

My wife and I opnce spent a friday evening sitting on opposite sides of the same couch texting each other emojis back and forth. She has an iPhone, while I have a Nexus 5. While she drank her wine, and I sipped my bourbon, we compared and contrasted all the differences, and she even rated which dog emojis were cuter

This happened to me today - but without emojii...

Ooooor. Kyle Katarn.

Article mentions Reel Big Fish twice. 10/10. First band I ever saw live in concert many years ago.

RG3 will have a great run in Cleveland. Too bad they’ll be down 30 to Pittsburgh when it happens.

Dude is passing a car in the right lane. That’s not “blocking” anything.

I generally don’t move over. I let them go around.

If someone is driving that recklessly by tailgating, my experience tells me changing lanes isn’t the safest as they often try to change lanes and fly around. Going steading in the lane is the safe way to go - let the idiot make the moves..

I dunno man. Isn’t this EXACTLY why you brake-check someone? :)

I flash my brakes at them first 3 times, if they continue to tailgate I slow down until they go around. This is of course on 2 lane roads. On 4 lane roads I am in the right lane 99% of the time (unless passing). Looks like the guy got what was coming to him IMO.

Awfully greedy of them, given that game development is inexpensive and can be funded through pleasant thoughts and charitable donations.

Actually, it would be a great way to store something secret in plain sight as well as making it more difficult to access. They see a floppy disc and assume it is not what they are looking for due to the low space. If they did take it, thinking they could just throw it in any floppy drive, they would be unable to

Because despite the metal gymnastics you use to come to that conclusion, it is still pirating and illegal.

Because your standards are low?

A deranged tyrant who runs a technologically backwards country? Mac is EXACTLY what I’d expect.

2009 called. it said shut the fuck up.