
I’m very much looking to the reckoning of white ladies in Hollywood who have propped themselves up on the terrible behavior of ‘good men’ around them that they continue to employ while disregarding their abusive behavior for the sake of keeping their careers afloat as the face of feminism. Lena Dunham is just the tip

Sad little rich girls. *cue tiny violin* 

I’m such a loser that I don’t like rapists being party standard bearers! YOU GOT ME!

He helped orchestrate the mass incarceration of non-violent black men, which made the US a leader worldwide. One big bonus was that those men weren’t counted in the unemployment stats so Clinton led us to think those people were employed.

Spoken like someone who doesn’t remember his presidency. The “losers” you speak of are people who lost the social safety net, lost protection from monopolies, lost the regulation of banks, and lost their union rights, all under Bill.

She’s awful and it’s incredibly patronizing the way so many around here act like it’s charming.

Nah, I’m sure it is just everyone else that she ever interacts with.  According to Jez, Cardi can do no wrong!

Does CardiB get along with anyone? It seems like she has a lot of problems with a lot of people and the common denominator seems to be her. 

How about you grow up and take responsibility for your failed relationships. 

I’m slightly appalled that she’d consider that an appropriate look for a co-worker’s Scottish country wedding. For the most part, it looks like the guests all dressed for completely different occasions. 

None of that shit is going to happen, except the not breastfeeding part.

It’s expensive to run a fucking hotel you dumbass nitwit.

I see what you’re going for here Rich, but you didn’t stick the landing. You kind of look like way more of an asshole than Rogers. Strong attempt to shit on a good guy though.

“Identity politics” can be an important tool to combat oppression in an unequal society — but divorced from any actual coherent, liberatory ideology, they become hollow signifiers to be disingenuously wielded by anyone with an agenda (including, funnily enough, defenders of societal inequality!).

This just seems like such a transactional view of intimacy and relationships.

Like where do I even start with this asinine question...

Beyonce litterally owns. GOD she is such an amazing godess. Her and ‘hov are so fucking oerfect, Wen i listen to jay z i realize a real man acquires capital, bitches. Fuck yeah. coca Cola is also amazzzzinggg and so is mcdonalds hamburgers.

Ah, so the Bernie movement doesn’t exist, never did, and caused the downfall of the Democratic Party! This is an interesting theory and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

PSA: That Cardi B song is not actually good.

It takes me weeks back in Brooklyn to recover.