whole family has nothing new to say about anything
whole family has nothing new to say about anything
you give really bad, dumb advice
you wrote a game of thrones article with weird stilted AAVE literally yesterday
i’ve never read a convincing critique of the wire other than vague gesturing at david simon being Bad for whatever reason, wait until this fucking airs before forming a judgment about it god damn
seriously, this is beyond derivative. seems like my entire neighborhood is writing variations on this sound
don’t bother to address any substance, though, Adult in the Room (just kidding, we both know you don’t have an actual answer)
imagine being able to afford a coke habit, i cant relate to you guys at all
stoked for some wealthy brooklynite dweeb to tell me why she’s not allowed to do this
but... but hillary is beyonce...
i wish i cared about anything as much as he hates this fuckin song
fuck yourself. it’s your shitty candidate’s fault.
link to articles:
yay, the wealthy person won!
she is about to be the most powerful person on earth, she doesn’t need hagiography. you will be happier if you stop trying to think of politicians as your friends.
please teach me how to feminism properly you seem totally reasonable and not at all like every other dinosaur telling younger people how to live
you are ridiculous
not trying to be mean but the clinton campaign should want to discuss anything involving honduras as little as possible
and everybody here is laughing it off and pretending like it could never be an issue...
i’m sorry, but this is insane. i oppose the expansion of american imperialism. i don’t give a shit that she married the BMOC from yale ‘73. you people are delusional
no, it was awesome and her best since afrodisiac