Dear Salty Waitress,
Please do not generalize everything. Some customers do a better job stacking, some don’t. Some servers appreciate it, some don’t. You ain’t the answer to everything
Thank you,
Salty customer
Dear Salty Waitress,
Please do not generalize everything. Some customers do a better job stacking, some don’t. Some servers appreciate it, some don’t. You ain’t the answer to everything
Thank you,
Salty customer
Your overly self entitled atitude is astounding. The customer is paying you money and we would expect a certain level of respect to our properties. What a white trash. Im not calling you a white trash because of your job. I respect mechanics. But Im calling you a white trash for your lack of respect for others.
Wow, the self esteem on this man is so little that he needs to validate his self worth by using an anonymous account to boast about his 4 garage home in bumfuck nowhere.
Despite the price tag, this is the kind of Jalopnik car buying suggestions I can get behind - something for my kid to grow up into a gearhead with. Much better than some of the others “hood rich physicians with inferiority complex or middle-aged men with pre-mature midlife crisis.”
Yet there is only one way the jealous poor red necks can make them feel better about themselves by makin virtual genital length comparison.
I don’t see anything wrong with it. The valuation of an exotic car by itself would take a huge hit if it were brought for rental purposes.
check these guys out. They actually were big enough to do a Peel session.
They remind me of Melt Banana!