
Her skin didn’t break off... they were both in this tub of liquid in the ship and as some sort of symbolic sex scene they used big ass knives to hack each other’s flesh off to reveal the whales beneath. The blood made swimming sperm in the water.

Lars and the Real Girl is a good showcase of his talents. It’s somehow a sweet and touching movie about a disturbed man child and his sex doll girlfriend.

Eva Green... particularly when she smiles. I may be biased though because of how obsessed I was with Penny Dreadful.

I opened a beer when I made myself sad realizing my low end estimate was $10,000 a night and my high end was $250,000. If I thought she was actually still famous, these would be higher. These brain cells have clearly done me no good and I should work on killing them.

My guess is “club appearances” that she probably makes enough money for, that it would make us all cry.

My dog sat perfectly in the morning light today... hope this helps!

I sold Maria Sharapova some books once at my old job and wow she’s tall. I’m 5'8" and I had to tip my head way back to look her in the face after she startled me asking for help. Then I felt awkward about her book choices and the fact that she’d walked right up to one of only maybe two employees that would have any

What We Do in the Shadows is on Prime right now. I’m pretty sure you’re missing out if you haven’t seen it. I find it hilarious.

I came here to say exactly this.

Baby Driver is pretty great, but more as an insane feat of filmmaking (everything EVERYTHING! is perfectly synced to the music) than about his acting. His punchability honestly kinda works perfectly for the character, and the supporting cast is pretty excellent. So it didn’t make me like him, but he didn’t ruin it for

Samesies. They’re mostly inoffensive enough to get a lot done, but they’re occasionally surprisingly good or particularly hilarious, so I thoroughly enjoy myself. The Mariah Carey one last year was so bonkers that I literally stopped what I was doing and watched in some kind of horrified awe while laughing my face

He is the worst, and clearly you are the best, because this just made me laugh heartily. I agree with you completely.

My atheist parents sent me too a fundamentalist southern baptist elementary school, so I came out of that severely messed up but with a pretty good outsider’s perspective on the apocalyptic nature of modern American evangelicalism...

I wonder how many dump trucks of money they backed up to Daniel Craig’s house to get him to come around, hahaha!

I can’t believe I can still be surprised. I am doubly surprised that this could really be happening. Congratulations mr. Cosby you’re somehow actually worse than I thought. What the actual hell?

I personally judge people hard for the “inspirational” quote in a stupid giant font as part of their email signature. I take away extra points if it’s related to some bullshit program that work instituted to pretend they give a crap about us.

I would gladly ignore my complete lack of wall space and buy this as big as I can get it. Other things don’t need to be on my wall this much and can come down.

The only thing the “active shooter training” at my job really made clear is to look out for number one. Help no one else, look out for no one else, and if your friend gets shot right next to you, leave them to bleed to death alone on the floor. I just don’t think I could live with myself if I acted like that.