You should see him scold anyone who doesn't double space after a period.
You should see him scold anyone who doesn't double space after a period.
The PB&J's
"We have a diesel infrastructure here in the United States, but it's far from ubiquitous after you leave the slabs of long-haul highways"
The real funny thing is that if this BEP dude was building custom Crown Vics or Grand Nationals, everyone would be posting "OMGz!", "I WANT", "b3caU5e racecar", and gifs all over the place. The fact that he makes pop music would conveniently be ingored.
MY town has the WORST drivers.
That thing looks like the "Dream Cafe" of supercars.
"It smells like Barbeque chips, honest".
43k? Wow. If only my $750 1962 was some sort of special edition.
Pictured: Production photo from Cuban's cameo in the 'Requiem for a dream' sequel.
"Do you see that little spec there honey? It's not a penis, it's a defective transmission".
I too am against abortion. That's why I parked my Saab in front of a fire station with the keys in it.
Oh darn.
Jesus. Paul Tracy really let himself go.
Amen. I totally agree.
"Another method used by a select few was to shove a dry towel down around your junk and let it flow."
Will the iDrive also tell BMW drivers that "they are the best they ever had" and never turn on the low fuel light because they "fill them up all the way"? And just like in divorce, you end up with half the value you stared with.
See, that's why Mitt Romney needs that expansion of his La Jolla house!