
Tucker Carlson: Likes this

"Maybe Selig's pimp cup is a little larger than once suspected".

Big deal. I went to similar giveaway 7 years ago, requested a Schwarzenegger bobblehead, but got a burnt out Richard Riordan one instead.

Just another couple of vunerable young bananas.

"Let the Eagle Soar! Like he's never...soared before!"

There was signifcant shrinkage.

@CalistaFlockhart: LOL! lighten up. I was only kidding!

Good thing Charles Haley never played for the All Blacks.

I haven't seen this much shirtless bat swinging since the 1987 Adam West birthday bash at the Golden Nugget.


Saddle or donut shaped? The world awaits....

Bro. Yeah I know dude. Bro are you serious? Dude.

"the prematurely published story"


In publishing this story, I can't believe ESPN would take such a cavalier attitude toward Maverick Carter.

Are you sure they're not shooting a remake of the "Pure Luck" bee sting scene?

Finally, a test they can all enjoy.

The cameraman: JaMarcus Russel

This is why you're not supposed to take all the methadone at once.

The Pants: Ass-less chaps.