Can mood swings like this be attributed to ringworm?
Can mood swings like this be attributed to ringworm?
Andy: How about dope? Grass. Hash. Coke. Mescaline. Downers. Nebutol. Tuonal. Chloral Hydrates? How about any Uppers? Amphetamines.
Holy moly.
'This woman has a lot of insight into what the super-rich and super-famous do during their downtime'
"Check this out buddy. This is my auntie's card, just call her and then my auntie will talk to your auntie. We could maybe sleep over in Taiwan for the whole weekend. Maybe even stay up all nite. I'll bring my Game Gear and nerf spiral football. It's gonna be soooo awesome!"
"She bragged, ‘I taught him everything he needed to know to be a great lover!'
I don't know what's more depressing. The photo of making it look like he's wearing a cheerleader skirt or the good chance that there's a cheerleader in Nebraska the same general size.
"I'm trying to pave a way for myself ... and for guys like me".
Before we cast stones at these girls, let's all remember that they attended the same Rachel Uchitel business retreat for sports marketing, networking, coordination, synergy, and freaky-nasty sex.
"I swear every time I turn on my TV, there he is."
The cameraman? Archie Manning
The text on Ms. Siwik-Daniels' thigh loosely translates to: "Not labeled for individual resale"
@Pesti-Esti: That shirt would match my 'Wyoming Urban Planning' one perfectly.
I would expect the Jimmy Kimmel studio to at least have something more ostentatious than an urinal trough.
2A. When we finally decide to have a child. Are you okay with not driving the baby around every weekend for the first two years like it's the olympic torch to show off to your family, friends, co-workers, pawn broker, etc.?
GM finally found a sucker to buy all those Saturns with the emblems torn off.
Just another toxic consequence of mixing Viagra with road beef.