Could also be because Andy Cohen is a thirsty and obnoxious fame-whore!
Could also be because Andy Cohen is a thirsty and obnoxious fame-whore!
I love when Ken dresses down The Help. I keep waiting for him to quote Churchill.
I have to admit, he delivered it well too. It needed a bitter British accent.
ALSO. I hate James, but when he yelled at Jax to make some “Cosmopolitans! PumpTIIINNIIIIS!” .... I was delighted.
He’s twenty-one in campaign years.
I think my entire queer sexuality might be based around that pose. Also I wanted to hug Paris and her poor, empty briefcase.
I watched it twice.
I agree, having a fling with an engaged Logan is him being a db, not her- he’s the one that made that commitment, but having her cheat on a bf instead of just breaking up with him made no sense (unless she was 22- I feel like that was part of my issues with the show- her decisions makes sense for 25 year old not a 32…
My god, when Paris kicked the door of the bathroom shut. I haven’t laughed like that in weeks.
I would’ve preferred she was alone, honestly, but it does help made her even more now unsympathetic. I’m pretty sure the writers didn’t want us to like her with all the shit she did.
“Paris, you complete me.” -Rory to Paris, after their shock same-sex wedding.
I didn’t appreciate the abrupt Soprano’s-style jump to black. There was no fade, no slow aerial zoom out, no ending music. Just abrupt jump to credits and no finality to anything going on in Rory’s life.
What’s the message of her book? Does she finish it?
Where does she live?
Who does she end up with?
What job does she…
I’m so glad Paris has an amazing career and Rory’s the one struggling. Paris deserves all the success.
True but don’t pity Richard. Man left his child in a steamer trunk while he went to Croatia!
Rory is still a giant douche bag with a disarming giggle.
Now you’re giving me third rail anxiety. Because sometimes it’s in the middle and sometimes it’s not. But otherwise good info.
Nah, ‘cause what he said was all about the subtext. What he really meant was “It’s a horrible time [for men] in America [because all of these lying bitches can accuse you of] sexual assault.” Because if there’s one group that’s been truly victimized by sexual assault, it’s men.
Defense attorney Mike Monico: “It is a horrible time for sexual assault in America right now.”