it’s magnificent.
it’s magnificent.
Neutral: 100%
Thinking You’re tough: Having 8+ cylinders in your crumple zone.
Being tough: You are the crumple zone.
YOO i dig both of them! I’m not good with the smaller cars tho. Is it an Austin Healey? MG?
I don’t have my sound plugged in but that looks really cool.
Alright, we’re going in the same direction but your not paying attention to what I’m saying.
I literally said non of our recent presidents were saints in regards to killing civilians.
I guess I’d just prefer if F1 allowed innovation and incorporated the best bits into it’s homologation. I’d prefer that for all racing tbh but I know that’s impossible.
They saw that the tech worked so they could have gone to Gordon and been like yo, give us an outline on how this works so other teams can work on their own versions cuz we can’t let you be the only one or the other teams could have just done their own thing. But i get it, it was a different time and their priorities…
Collateral damage is still fucked up and a failure. Sure the op did what it was supposed to do but being ok with it is devoid of human feeling.
You mean the Chealsea manning who is being persecuted for actually being a patriot? Yeah i heard of her and the bs she’s been put through.
So your saying that it’s fine for the…
I never said slowing the cars down shouldn’t have been done. But they coulda run some crosswind tests of the cars, analyzed footage of how and when the cars would break traction and redesign the ground effects accordingly instead of throwing up their hands and giving up. The BT45 was a great idea but instead of trying…
but they still saw the problem back then. We always talk about engineers crunching numbers; all i’m saying is that they had data for what was going wrong. They coulda set up a matrix and found a much better option than just scrapping ground effects all together.
LOL you’re joking right?
How about when that 8 year old died in his first military direction?
Pulling out of the Iran deal while Iran was pretty on board, thus being the first to break the deal and then acting like Iran broke the deal.
Making nice with Kim while that child still has nuclear capability.
Instigating a…
I get that fluid dynamics is difficult as these races are complex models of air to figure out but if it’s racing, why would they have removed ground effects instead of saying “How do we make this safer?” from the beginning?
this is highly incorrect. The answer is Mustang.
I dig your take on it. Graduated application seems like a good compromise of no and yes.
I’ma say the same thing i said on twitter.
i remember liking these and the 626 line of cars. But when i got to looking for a car to buy I gravitated towards the celica or the mx-6. Ended up owning a 91 celica; AT180 i think.
I know it may have just been because they were low throttle turns, but i didn’t really hear that rotary screaming it’s head off. It seemed to be around the same pitch the entire time. It also seemed pretty tame, exhaust note wise. Now excuse me while i go watch listen to some vids of the renesis prowl about some…
technically all transmissions are shifty. Some just more than others.