
11.Left talents in South Beach. Finding decent movers in Miami is a bitch.

This is the first documented case of an old person moving from Tampa Bay to Chicago.

I see it now

Ha. This kind of thing happened with both of their last games too. There were widespread issues that somehow couldn't be replicated and/or resolved by the dev team. At least this isn't a game-breaking issue, because I highly doubt it will ever get fixed. Perhaps the good press for Shadows will prompt Monolith to hire

I was on the fence about this year's version... until this. Absolute purchase now.

I really tried to get into One Piece when I heard Naruto and Bleach were ending soon (this was a few years ago) but I just can't. I HATE the art style. It took me 40ish episodes to get into Naruto and about 20 to get into Bleach but I can barely sit through one episode of One Piece. I really wanted to like it since

Getting Closer.

It's obvious, she's searching for clothes.

Finally! Although, to be honest, I've been enjoying the lack of profanity-laced pubescent voices in the Crucible. But, I suppose if it helps with team coordination...

This would be just as impressive in MS Paint.

you know what? I'm all for it. Since the story is barely existent as it is and there doesn't seem to be a reason for why you need to kick aliens off of worlds humanity once owned other than cause.

The Sims 4. The game about nothing.

nah I think is just Bungei giving the finger to Microsoft for all those years of abuse

If there's two thing I hate in this world, its people who are intolerant of alien cultures...and the swedes.

This is obviously Tom Cruise.

No, please don't happen. You know what would be really cool? Warcraft IV. That's what would be really cool. I don't want more fucking WoW.

"Why isn't my city in The Crew" is gonna be this generation's "Why isn't my favorite song in Guitar Hero/Rock Band"