At Risk Asterisk

Thanks for proving my point. :)

I bet you could not supply a single example to back up that statement. It’s one of those things people just ignorantly say, and when asked to ellaborate on just how Cubs fans are “the worst” they provide nothing.

No, since the Cubs are rarely favored, media outlets will treat them like the badguys of an 80s film.

This is why I hate MMOs. Loudmouths trying to micromanage team compositions, when they themselves are typically the weakest link.

LOL, yeah OK. Look, real fans, not the ebb & flow of bandwagon fans that ALL teams have, are not bad. It’s the people that jump to popular teams at popular moments

WHAT!? The NFL’s brilliant idea of adding gimmicky Color Splash Jerseys has not increased rating? I’m shocked!

Where is all this hate coming from for Cubs fans? I’ve seen nothing like it here in CA?

Do tongue emoji not mean “joking” anymore? Am I allowed to use the “Why So Serious?” Meme?

That’s pretty sad, because he obviously deserves every bit as much as Connor or Diaz. But that said, what about licensing and promotions. I’m sure his UFC money is supplemented with a generous proportion more from other entities (perhaps not millions).

Read my second reply where I note people’s inability to take a joke. Then I guess I can ask your same question of you. :)

Is it weird that I knew people would get defensive over an obviously fecetious remark? Was the tongue emoticon not obvious enough?

He gets paid millions to work 25 minutes twice a year. Of course he plays more video games than us 9-to-5ers pulling in a fraction of that wealth.

The Internet is not for the faint-of-heart.

The Cubs might win the World Series and BG&E2 is getting released?

It’s an obvious stunt. Like saying “Oh No! I’ve made a grievous error! I accidentally made my game too much fun! Do you guys want to risk playing my dangerously fun game, or should I just cancel the project?”

It bugged me for so long how much time went by before Ed & Al finally found out about Hughes’ fate.

Unfortunately they said Fall 2016. Fortunately it’s officially Fall now! Hopefully it’s right around the corner.

It’s not an “if”, it’s confirmed. Will be out before 2017. Hopefully in November at the latest.

This is obviously throwing off the gravitational and electromagnetic forces of the game engine. No wonder I can’t get Jay Cutler to complete a pass—Hey, maybe this is happening to IRL Cutler too!

“Used to be”? I thought the movie “Hook” established that you can never stop being Peter Pan?