At Risk Asterisk

This game offers an incredible amount of things, sadly most of them are useless.

Yes, there are white people today, just like centuries ago, that wear dreadlocks. *gasp*

Nah. Greeks, Egyptians, Vikings, etc all have used dreadlocks and various braiding techniques for centuries.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with her wearing Lucio’s clothes/gear. It would be wrong if she put skin make-up on.

The CN games are fun, but too short with no longevity. They’re also unfortunately too easy for adults.

If Murray didn’t over-promise (And in some cases straight up lie) this game wouldn’t be taking a beating with critics/players.

Not sure I agree. Stardew Valley crushed it, and he didn’t need to call it “Harvest Moon: Stardew Valley”.

I was wondering this. Was the name the only issue? Or did they steal some coding as well?

It uses an algorithm with designated parameters. So, yes, he knows the biggest and smallest creatures the algorithm can generate.

How big was the dinosaur? Cause the snake in the video is practically the size of the planet.

You seem to be incapable of simple reading comprehension. I never said i thought they don’t exist.

He MARKETED a game to people that PAID him for said commodity.

It’s in a trailer.

I’m not speaking personally. I’m defending those who said they have an issue.

I think Sean’s response speaks volumns.

Can you blame them, honestly? It’s false advertising.

I feel like the longer we play NMS, the more we’ll learn that Sean and his team were blowing smoke up our butts.

Lol so many of Hearthstone's cards are so Ridiculous. I'm waiting for that 0 mana card that, if played, automatically loses the match for the player.

I’ve been hanging around the first planet learni g Gek from a trader. . .Although some words he teaches me sound nonsensical like the english word “Slogerk”. Which I assume is another species? Or an item in Gek culture?

That sounds like a neat easter egg.