At Risk Asterisk

It’s not about “before”, moreso “if at all” for solo players.

But the problem is they’re not being rewarded for being good. They’re being rewarded for being paired against teams who are bad.

It's the nature of the beast in online gaming. Reward teams, punish solo players.

Try visiting their forums. Console members, who paid $20 more, aren’t even allowed to post outside the Tech Support forums.

So Premades get golden weapons in 1 week steamrolling Pick-up groups. . .PuGs won’t ever get gold weapons.

How so? Catelyn was strong but she was too emotional (just hearing Jon’s name made her blood boil).

When the dust settles. . . I want Lyanna Mormont on the Iron Throne at the end of GoT.

Here’s the cover for those who can’t make it out:

You gotta make credits somehow. . .Loot crates aren’t cheap!

Well I feel like I’m in slo-motion compared to the Engineer’s turrets in TF2.

The problem with Torbjorn in general is not just the fact that he has a auto-aim instakill turret. . .It’s that he has that AND an amazing gun. That thing can rek people from close range and a distance.

The problem with OW that I rarely saw with TF2, is the number of steamrolling matches.

Unfortunately it’s not that easy. TF2 did counters/balances perfectly with 8 characters.

I love playing as Zarya, getting a team kill with my ultimate. . . And play of the game goes to one of my teammates. . . And then my name comes up in MVP voting and I don’t get one vote, because instead of displaying my 35 kills, or 80% on fire, they display my 40 bubbles. . .

Honestly, the ridiculous size of the hitboxes, I just can’t see this game taking off competitively.

Good thing GoT doesn’t use the same hitboxes as Overwatch, otherwise that first Volley of arrows would have killed Jon’s entire army. . .

It takes like 3-seconds for a Mercy to heal. She isn’t letting the entire team die in 3-seconds.

Unfortunately it’s never that simple. I’ve always been a harasser/disruptor in team-based shooters, so I love

Sidenote: Great title for a country western song:Put a Mercy on my Roadhog.

Blizzard’s skill assignment for Overwatch just leaves you scratching your head.