My beef with this is disconnects. Blizzard has disconnected me from multiple matches, and then it starts threatening me with XP penalties. . .
My beef with this is disconnects. Blizzard has disconnected me from multiple matches, and then it starts threatening me with XP penalties. . .
I fear your first point most. I’m on PS4 and once Overwarch locked me out saying my ‘authenticity was unverified’. Luckily restarting my PS4 solved the issue, but since that point i’ve been a tad worried.
Doesn’t The Division already have some sort of companion film on Amazon Prime?
I wish they’d explain PotG requirements. I got a “triple kill” each enemy 75 health or higher, while healing my team AND capping the objective. . .
Well i’ve had one of those rare Mercy PotG, but in terms of probability, Bastion, Reaper,, etc. Get the majority of PotG because they have quick easy pop offs that allow for 4-6 kills/team wipes.
I can’t wait ‘til they weight PotG properly. A Lucio or Mei triple kill should beat a Bastion or Reaper triple kill.
Next month will be the 1yr anniversary of subscribing to PSPlus. . . In 1 year I have not been swayed to download a single one of the PS4's Plus offerings.
I haven’t noticed any deaths like this yet, but I am a tad annoyed that this game will disconnect a lot.
I wish I knew what qualified for PotG. Last night I got block pts + cap pts + a 4-player kill as Reinhardt, and lost out PotG to a Soldier 76 with 4 kill no where near the objective point
Lie down.
Is anyone else on PS4 having server stability issues? I don’t typically have a problem with online games dropping me, but occassionally a game does come along and give me problems.
Can’t wait to boot the beta after work. How easily identifiable are the classes? Are they marked with icons or titles that state their class and intended gameplay mechanics?
I imagine all the problems The Division is going through behind the scenes as episodes of HBO’s Silicon Valley.
I was going to do a joke about Bruce and Clark misunderstanding Tony’s mom’s name as “Martha” (It’s Maria) but it became too much verbage for a single panel.
Oh Tony, you sly dog. . .
This is inevitable:
I was trying to do the math, having discovered Animal Crossing on the Gamecube. . .but then I read N64.