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    Motioneye (https://github.com/ccrisan/motion…) which is a gui for the terminal utility motion is a pretty nice one that I use at home. The installation guide is probably outdated and still on bitbucket (they moved to github) but it gives you a webpage with all of your cameras. Couple that with some port-forwarding

    I’m running it in a VM right now (VirtualBox) and it doesn’t give me a cursor. Instead, I have a touch point which means I have to click and drag to get it to move.

    Do you happen to know if this breaks HDCP?

    Do you happen to know if this breaks HDCP?

    I *live* (and work) in San Jose and I can confirm that that number is about right, if not a little low. San Jose is HUGE, (by Bay Area standards at least) and the range varys vastly between neighborhoods.

    This is exactly what I concluded on my own while deciding if I would do a roth or traditional IRA. Bay Area salary (which isn’t much once you factor in Bay Area cost of living) puts me up in a higher tax bracket.

    Why do you hate puppies?

    Oh my gosh I just typed ‘deceased’ on my Das Keyboard 4 and it was AWESOME.

    Oh my gosh I just typed ‘deceased’ on my Das Keyboard 4 and it was AWESOME.

    Excellent Android diagnostics app Torque has a plugin that allows you to do this with an Android phone and an OBD-II adapter.

    Does anyone own one of these? I saw it for sale at an airport once and was wondering if it is useful/worth the extra bulk.

    Does anyone own one of these? I saw it for sale at an airport once and was wondering if it is useful/worth the extra

    As someone who works in the payments industry, I’d like to chime in on a few nuances:

    This is the book I used to learn JavaScript and it is a great one. All language have their pitfalls, but JavaScript in particular has A LOT of them. Things that really shouldn’t work in any other language work in JavaScript which tends to build bad habits. This book helps you avoid those bad habits!

    THIS. It is weirdly appealing in a grotesque sort of way. I would totally use it as my desktop wallpaper if the artist happens to pop out of nowhere and have a version big enough for desktop.

    Very tasteful, I like it! I just assumed that anything interesting for the Outback disappeared when Subaru fully split the Legacy/Outback line. (BH9 owner here, and looking at getting a MY2016)

    My company gave me branded cord tacos (never knew they were so expensive) and they are great. The main problem is that I misplace them all the time.

    ...tell me more about this grille.

    It was actually for Oakland, CA. It has since gone down because the way it was set up, we had to reference a new dataset (with potentially different formatting) every time new data came up and also because Yelp announced that they were building this same feature into their product :X

    I *love* Code for America. I joined a hackathon hosted by them some years back and it was such a great experience. Being someone who builds software for a living, it was refreshing to see that most of the people who showed up were concerned individuals who were part of the community. This put things into perspective

    For what it is worth, Spotify does allow you to choose songs, just like on desktop, when you’re on an iPad (and I am guessing on an Android Tablet as well). I have an iPad with LTE and this is how I listen to music in my car.

    I was just about to mention this, good purchase on their part though.

    Chomebook as well! I have a Chromebox too, but it looks exactly the same.