Any decent alternatives to Google Talk Chatback? I used to use a meebo widget... until Google bought them, and not too long after, they discontinued Chatback.
Any decent alternatives to Google Talk Chatback? I used to use a meebo widget... until Google bought them, and not too long after, they discontinued Chatback.
For the longest time I couldn't figure out why some of the features they had advertised (Sports updates!) didn't happen automatically and it turns out I had to re-enable Search History. Just an fyi for anyone who had this issue as well.
I can't help but think part of the reason using a swear word over a "common word" has to do with the additional stress of stopping yourself from using the swear word.
Anyone else here use #! (Crunch Bang)? I've found that to be the snappiest distro I've ever run on my Netbook.
Thanks, I'll be sure to look into all of those!
What are the most important things to check for when shopping for a used car (circa 1985)?
For those who use Nikon DSLR's and don't want to wait for the self-timer, one can use exposure delay which flips the mirror up, waits 400ms before opening the shutter. This has the added benefit of ridding of any camera shake from the mirror slapping if you happen to do any super tele-shots, even on a tripod (though…
You'd be surprised how much room the cached packages will take. I can't speak for any other distros, but for Ubuntu, Bleachbit can help you free up even more space.
@firenze: As I understand it, at no point are any "Security Measures" being broken in this process. The reason CSS encryption on DVD was *technically* illegal was because it broke the encryption on the disk. All this process does is read the raw data on legitimate DS carts (using no additional hardware) and dumps it…
@P_Smith: I'm glad to know the art of power searching is alive and well.
@prupert: sounds like apple trying to become "more open"
@HeadsetChatter: I've got CS4 Design Premium and I'll be upgrading to CS5 Design Standard (I've learned that I don't need some of those programs). Albeit I have a student discount, they are legitimate, and paid for, keys.
@Phoshi: much agreed with this.
If I need to get something done with a quickly diminishing amount of time, it always helps me to turn on some RUNNING IN THE 90'S (or any other eurobeat). Otherwise, I turn on [] to "Similar to: John Coltrane" and try to relax; not get stressed over the work I need to get done.
Thinapp/Thinstaller anyone?
I've been a beta tester since 9.26.06 (since open beta!) and ever since I signed up for the service, I've loved it!