
This speaks more to deep rooted societal problems surrounding addiction and mental illness rather than a shitty sensationalized show being a shitty sensationalized show. Although the show is to blame for exploiting people and going for reality TV show “drama” that only serves to dehumanize people who are already

People joke but the headphone jack really is the only reason I haven’t upgraded. My 6S+ is still in pristine condition. All my previous iPhones were in great shape but I still upgraded to the newest, shiniest model as soon as it was available. I will probably eventually upgrade but knowing I can get a cheap battery

Not sure what millenials you’re surrounding yourself by.

Or, more accurately, I think you’re main exposure to “millenial culture” being the AV Club has given you a pretty narrow view of the general consensus. Which, sorry, but AV Club users aren’t even close to representing. It’s basically a hive-mind, with the few

They already made it. It’s called Knight of the Old Republic. Just give us another one of those or remaster the original game.

Actually, I think “Jon Snow actor but in a shitty Jon Snow halloween costume” is a pretty funny concept. But you’d need to sell it. Go around the party asking everybody to guess who you’re dressed as.

... and sound speeds...

hey, if you missed it, good for you, but some of us were hitting permalinks/notifications and getting

58 comments on a South Park review 15+ hrs after its posted.

Primus sucks

felt that crack was a better job of skewering the Tiki-torch whiteys than the SP Tiki-torch episode did.

Personally I think the Get Schwifty episode is a better example of “good enough”. The purge episode is great imo.

Now playing

Sure, “they” put her in a box. Kelly had nothing to do with it.

I don’t like the OITNB song so it feels much longer than 72 seconds.

But Destiny 2 has one thing all of those don’t, which is a connection to the tense, lively, compelling world of Destiny 2.

I saw the buzzfeed article about it after you mentioned it. There are a few examples. One was a joke stolen and used in Trainwreck and I thought, “well that isn’t fair. she was saying a line someone else wrote!” So I look up who wrote the screenplay ... and it was Amy Schumer.

Liebman joke was basically, I always make the man pay....for sex

She stole jokes from other women and from men as well. She’s no different than Mencia or Dane Cook

While I think she does get unfairly scrutinized because lady comedians are expected to be totally unproblematic and woke in ways that we don’t expect of male comedians (hey remember how Jerry Seinfeld complained about college kids and people took him seriously? Speaking of which, Seinfeld is definitely not as funny as