Alcoholic Synonymous

Yeah, but generally nobody in the US writes anything like that into a contract, simply because it would be so unlikely. It’s also illegal for a merchant to refuse payment based on any type of currency, paper or coin, as long as it’s legal tender.

I was thinking “it was really stupid to leave them in boxes with the exact amounts marked on the outside.”

What if you’re watching something live on TV and the audience starts clapping?

Yeah, especially when you need to turn it off after an hour or two.

I wanted to touch base (hah!) on the twisty-switch. The problem is you’re using the wrong damn bulbs. You need three-way bulbs, so you get THREE levels of dimness. They totally kick the shit out of everything.

No, Trump’s wall’s going to be too huu-yuuge.

It’s grounded under the ground.

Shit, I didn’t even notice that...I thought they meant he was 50 when he died. Now it definitely looks shady.

We charge $20 / hr for sandblasting, and sand runs $20 / 100, about a $1k, probably, but you’ll also get all the rust removed.

I could definitely see this being a Pegg movie.

What I don’t understand, and no one seems to be asking this...what happened to the guy? I mean, did he just go in there, lay down and die? Did he poison himself? Was he sick? It just seems impossible that a 50 year old man would just lay down and die of “natural causes” without even speaking to someone in the other

He’s gonna be beatin’ off the Swizz Mizzez with a stick.

Micheal Bay, obviously.

I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to call bullshit.

I don’t know, I just remember seeing that on a news site somewhere.

I once had my apartment raided because of a noise violation; here, you can get a ticket if the officer can hear you from 25 feet away.

Isn’t that their beef with homosexuality? If you spill your seed or whatnot...

Strapped to his ankle, actually.

Seriously? Fuck that asshole. He isn’t a nice guy just responding to orders. There are no higher-ups playing puppet master here; he made the mistake of thinking he could just brush this shit off, and renegged when he realized people weren’t going to let it go. Fuck this dude sideways running funny.

That’s pretty cool. So it’s an administrative position? We’re currently undergoing a *SCANDAL* where we hired an extremely experienced EMT from out of town as Director of Emergency Services, and now everybody’s bitching about his uber-extravagant $60k a year. Big whoop!