
Greg Turkington?? I give this movie five bags of popcorn and three ant farms for Paul Rudd to run around and play in when he's in his little shrinky suit. And also five sugar waters for the ants as well!

Sean has a really great moment in this episode where Hayes gives him a prompt and kind of loses Sean and he goes, "Oh no, what do you mean?"


I can't get into Scharpling, but this gives me hope for Dan Harmon to go on HH and have fun. I think he'd really appreciate the schtick and play adversarial in a really fun way.

Have you even heard his band, broh???? 30 Saxons From Lars? He is just being actor boy as a fuckin jerk off because when you do music that good and that fun and cool, you just fucking do whatever you want because you already made your nut.

Sometimes I really miss Earwolfman Jack and The Nerd, but goddamnit if those Squarecash ads aren't the best fucking ad reads in all of podcasts.


Yes, everyone with Internet access now knows. 100%.

I… I think it's too late. All that was missing was a fucking dubstep bass drop.

Still blame you for Ben & Kate getting cancelled.

Edit: badly.

Yes, but the Leto's Joker will be terrible whether you think so or not.

"Staccato, pitchy, sideways-mouth delivery…" POINTS!

MANcouver, right?

This was clever and funny. Here, have an upvote!

Did you ever wonder why all those comedians you like on podcasts are so good on audio only medium? @midnight reminds you what a voice for radio looks like.
I'm looking at you, Kurt Brown-holer.

I 100% agree. This is a show that will inspire some solid fandom and commentary. The second episode absolutely lived up to the hype of the pilot.

So we're for real not going to do episode coverage on this? This is wayyyy better than the fucking Brink or Ballers and yet… weekly coverage. Fuck. Let me do weekly coverage.

HEY! Vinci Vaughn, right? I think it's clear there's something there.

Hey man. Good job though.