
legit lol from me, broh.

They were really great on Hollywood Handbook.

And again, podmass has very suspiciously avoided mentioning Hollywood Handbook and the controversial table read of Teen Pope 2, in all it's skitching and glowing penis glory.

I think you'll like it! I watched it last summer and then again earlier this year after going through a break up. The AV Club had some great coverage by Vikram Murthi and a small, but enthusiastic commentariat. I think you'd be a great fit for to review this show, though.

Was it cancelled? Or are they just taking Sherlockian breaks between series? Man, that show was fucking yellow as fuck. It was also pretty good. That is, until every plot turn involved someone having a gun that you thought didn't, in fact, have a gun. That got a little old. The first season though. So

If the Riggins brothers don't factor in somehow to this week, then the site is broken.

It's interesting. It's well written and with some good jokes and a likeable, relatively self-aware cast. It starts out a little schlocky, but evolves into being pretty surprisingly character based. The two leads are good together, but it's really an ensemble. You know the weirdo anxiety, self doubt and twilight

I can't wait for what 1-10 is!

11. Empty Chobani container in break room trash can!

Do Oneal! Do Oneal!

Yikes. AV Club summer programming.

I'm pretty sure you're making fun of me and went ahead and re-read my comment and you are fully justified in doing so.

You just blew this investigation wide open.

Hey, Disco Stu looks like that guy, not the other way around.

Hey man, they're great. Seriously. I'm pulling for this show's strengths. Farrell and McAdams are definitely doing it for me.

I remember working at a frozen custard stand when I was a freshman in high school and having the biggest crush on the smallest girl that worked with me. I labored over a mix tape for her and gave it to her. It really bothered me a week later when she told me she loved it, but only after she downloaded all the songs

I'm trying so hard to be on board this season. I really, really am. I mean, I'm in for the rest of the season and if there's another one, I'm likely in for all of that too. It is just so hard to find things to like about it.

I can't wait until Becca starts covering a show. Her perspective is so relatable without being hackneyed. All her stuff on this site is personal, fun, and filled with empathy. Give her You're The Worst season 2!!!!

I'm here for you.

I settled on zach_morris_chestnut. Points?