the one thing really helped me is cleaning up my hard drive following these manual steps
the one thing really helped me is cleaning up my hard drive following these manual steps
thanks for the tips. And here are some more tricks to work with Finder efficiently
Yes, you are right. I’ve tested several apps and found out the App Uninstaller finds all service files of the apps -
my favorite one is VPN Client I always recommend it.
I use private modes of browsers. Is it really safe? (here I`ve read that private browser can not give you an absolute guarantee of online privacy and data security -
I would also add one more great app, which I use when I need to find duplicates on external drive - It works so fast, that every time surprises me)
for Mac users - here are 2 ways how to uninstall OneDrive on Mac
There are 2 popular removal tools for Mac with almost similar names – AppCleaner and App Cleaner Pro and they tend to be mixed up by most users. Here is a great comparison chart of them -
here is a great comparison table between Aappcleaner and App Cleaner Pro
here is one more way to watch sport online from anywhere -
there is a free tool that allows to manage all login items -
Safari also provides a shortcode - Command+Shift+N (resource -
If someone prefers an easier way to show hidden files I ‘d recommend to use a free app Funter ( that allows to hide, unhide and find hidden files by name.
there are 2 apps App Cleaner ( and AppCleaner. Don`t confuse them. However, I like App Cleaner more as it has a better interface and allows to remove Remains as well.
why don’t u use any free app for this issue? For instance I use Memory Cleaner X ( and it cleans up inactive RAM automatically.
I would add one more good competitor - App Cleaner. It has a better interface and allows to remove even Remains (
I prefer to use App Cleaner to uninstall apps from my Macbook. There are some other apps for removing programs completely, however, App Cleaner I like more because of its great interface and an ability to delete even remains. Here is one more great review of uninstalling apps for Mac -…
I found these tips most helpful when I need to clear and speed up my Macbook.
-Remove email attachments
-Delete DMG files
-Remove the largest files on your Mac
-Clear caches and logs
-Uninstall unused applications
The detailed description of how I do it is here -
I have found a comparison chart of duplicate file finders -…
I`d recommend to use a free application Funter for this purpose. Funter allows to hide or unhide files in much easier and quicker way - just by one click.…