
the one thing really helped me is cleaning up my hard drive following these manual steps

If someone prefers an easier way to show hidden files I ‘d recommend to use a free app Funter ( that allows to hide, unhide and find hidden files by name.

there are 2 apps App Cleaner ( and AppCleaner. Don`t confuse them. However, I like App Cleaner more as it has a better interface and allows to remove Remains as well.

I would add one more good competitor - App Cleaner. It has a better interface and allows to remove even Remains (

I prefer to use App Cleaner to uninstall apps from my Macbook. There are some other apps for removing programs completely, however, App Cleaner I like more because of its great interface and an ability to delete even remains. Here is one more great review of uninstalling apps for Mac -

I found these tips most helpful when I need to clear and speed up my Macbook.
-Remove email attachments
-Delete DMG files
-Remove the largest files on your Mac
-Clear caches and logs
-Uninstall unused applications
The detailed description of how I do it is here -

I`d recommend to use a free application Funter for this purpose. Funter allows to hide or unhide files in much easier and quicker way - just by one click.…